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Catalog Number: (CABD368100L)
Supplier: BD
Description: Lancets are gentle and safety-engineered blood sampling devices designed for heel-sticks in premature infants, newborns, and babies

Supplier: BD
Description: MacConkey agar is a selective and differential culture medium for bacteria designed to selectively isolate Gram-negative and enteric bacilli and differentiate them based on lactose fermentation.
Supplier: BD
Description: Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar is recommended for the enumeration of bacteria in water, air, milk, and dairy products.
Catalog Number: (CA90003-904)
Supplier: BD
Description: Bismuth Sulfite Agar is a highly selective medium used for isolating Salmonella species, particularly Salmonella Typhi, from food and clinical specimens.

Supplier: BD
Description: Brackets, cabinets, and supports for BD sharps collectors.
Supplier: BD
Description: Urine collection tubes and kits are easy-to-use, and ideal for microbiology and urinalysis applications
Supplier: BD
Description: BD Medical Vacutainer® Plus Plastic Blood Collection Tubes for Trace Element Testing
Catalog Number: (CA-BD364815)
Supplier: BD
Description: Standard plastic holders accept disposable and reusable double-ended needles with threaded hubs

Catalog Number: (CA90000-716)
Supplier: BD
Description: Gram stain reagents are used to stain microorganisms from cultures or specimens by the differential Gram method.

Supplier: BD
Description: Made of specially formulated plastic resin
Supplier: BD
Description: Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is used in qualitative procedures for the cultivation of dermatophytes and other pathogenic and nonpathogenic fungi from clinical and nonclinical specimens.
Supplier: BD
Description: For use with Dynac* centrifuges. 24x15mL tubes.

Supplier: BD
Description: Allergist trays contain 25 syringes featuring BD PrecisionGlide® permanently attached needles
Supplier: BD
Description: Antigens and antisera used for slide agglutination tests and immunofluorescence.
Supplier: BD
Description: Rapid gas generating sachets produce optimal bacterial growth in anaerobic, microaerophilic (reduced oxygen), or CO<sub>2</sub> enriched environments.
Catalog Number: (CA-90002-462)
Supplier: BD
Description: Paper Discs for the Detection of Beta-Lactamase Enzymes

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