HALO® Chromatography Columns and Consumables+-

HALO® columns are available in ten phases for Reversed Phase separations and two phases for Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) separations. HALO® column packings are not made the typical way; instead, the particles packed into HALO® columns are manufactured using Fused-Core® particle technology that was specially developed to deliver hyper-fast liquid chromatographic separations.
The original HALO® Fused-Core® columns are able to perform competitively versus sub-2 µm fully porous columns and substantially outperform 3 and 5 µm fully porous columns, delivering the goal of increased performance without the consequence of high back pressures. HALO® HPLC columns are designed to serve the Pharmaceutical, Biopharma, Food & Beverage, Environmental, Vitamin, Industrial and Clinical/Toxicology market segments.