You Searched For: Vacuum Pumps

Create a strong vacuum with these one and two-stage pumps. Operating under quiet conditions, these high-powered vacuum pumps are designed to not disturb workers. The devices can be used in various applications such as air or gas sampling, pressure vacuum filtration, precious metal recovery, process control, and pneumatic controls. The powered and non-powered vacuum pumps available are extremely flexible to be compatible with pre-existing instruments.

Create a strong vacuum with these one and two-stage pumps. Operating under quiet conditions, these high-powered vacuum pumps are designed to not disturb workers. The devices can be used in various applications such as air or gas sampling, pressure vacuum filtration, precious metal recovery, process control, and pneumatic controls. The powered and non-powered vacuum pumps available are extremely flexible to be compatible with pre-existing instruments.

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Catalog Number: (EVA73001983)
Supplier: Edwards
Description: XDS scroll pumps have become industry standard when dry pumping is essential, proving to be a robust and clean vacuum pump solution in a range of applications and processes.

Supplier: Welch Vacuum
Description: Use these rugged oil-seal pumps for a wide range of laboratory vacuum needs

Catalog Number: (15431-758)
Supplier: Desco
Description: One-Touch pumps are made of precision machined valves for smooth consistent operation that also eliminates spraying and splashing.

Catalog Number: (97014-790)
Supplier: KNF Neuberger Inc.
Description: Delivers precise vacuum with easy, safe control and monitoring from anywhere in the lab.

Catalog Number: (CAA65-207-906)
Supplier: Edwards
Description: This pump was specifically developed for wet chemistry and sample preparation

Catalog Number: (470344-408)
Supplier: Wards
Description: Economy blue hand vac pump for experiments in air pressure, vacuum filtration, and leak checks.

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