You Searched For: Spearmint+oil

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Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Spearmint Oil, Natural, FCC is used for cooking, flavoring, and as a digestive support. The FCC grade meets the requirements of the Food Chemical Codex indicates and is suitable for all food, beverage and nutritional supplement applications. Spectrum Chemical offers over 300 Food grade chemical ingredients packaged in laboratory size bottles to production drum quantities and are manufactured, packaged and stored under current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) per 21CFR part 211 in FDA registered and inspected facilities.
Supplier: General Separation Technologies, Inc.
Description: Typical Application: Alcohols II and III, Amines (low MW), Amines/ Alcohols/ Chlorides, Aromatics Analysis: ASTM D16 Analytes, Aromatics II, Blood Alcohol, Bourbon, Branched alcohols, BTEX, Chlorinated Isooctane, Citronella Java Oil, Esters III, Ethylene Oxide, FAME Standard I, FAMEs (Coca Butter), Fast Styrene Analysis, Flavor Volatiles, Formaldehyde Underivatized, Fragrance Allergens, Fragrance Reference Standard II, Free Fatty Acids, Free Organic Acids/C4-C5 Isomers, Impurities in Ethylbenzene, Impurities in Mixed Xylenes, Impurities in p-Xylene-ASTM D3798, Impurities in Styrene, Industrial Solvent, Lavender Oil Spiked with Camphor, Monomers in Latex Paint by Headspace, Mushroom Aroma (Synthetic), Nitrosamines, Nutmeg Oil, Organic Acids, Phenols III, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, Rapeseed Oil, Rapid Analysis of Water in Organic Solvents, Solvents I, II, Spearmint Oil, Strawberry Syrup, Sulfur and Selenium in Garlic by Headspace, Tramanian Lavander Oil, Volatile Organics, Volatile Sulphurs.

Supplier: General Separation Technologies, Inc.
Description: Typical application: Alcohols II and III, Amines (low MW), Amines/ Alcohols/ Chlorides, Aromatics analysis: ASTM D16 analytes, Aromatics II, Blood alcohol, Bourbon, Branched alcohols, BTEX, Chlorinated Isooctane, Citronella java oil, Esters III, Ethylene oxide, FAME Standard I, FAMEs (Coca Butter), Fast styrene analysis, Flavor volatiles, Formaldehyde Underivatized, Fragrance allergens, Fragrance Reference Standard II, Free Fatty Acids, Free Organic Acids/C4-C5 Isomers, Impurities in Ethylbenzene, Impurities in mixed xylenes, Impurities in p-Xylene-ASTM D3798, Impurities in styrene, Industrial Solvent, Lavender Oil Spiked with Camphor, Monomers in latex paint by headspace, Mushroom aroma (Synthetic), Nitrosamines, Nutmeg oil, Organic acids, Phenols III, Polyunsaturated fatty acid methyl esters, Rapeseed oil, Rapid analysis of water in organic solvents, Solvents I, II, Spearmint oil, Strawberry syrup, Sulphur and Selenium in Garlic by Headspace, Tramanian lavander oil, Volatile organics, Volatile sulfurs.

Catalog Number: (BDH7338-4)
Supplier: VWR International

Supplier: VWR International
Description: This is a superior oil based upon special crude oil stocks noted for their durability and fine lubricating qualities.
Catalog Number: (CA71007-898)
Supplier: VWR

Supplier: VWR International
Description: VWR® No. 20 is a high-quality mechanical pump fluid distilled from a straight petroleum hydrocarbon mineral oil to yield a pure high-viscosity fluid for all mechanical pump types.


Catalog Number: (40300-028)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Designed for use in applications where reactive or corrosive gases are present.

Small Business Enterprise

Description: Liquified paraffin; liquified petrolatum; mineral oil; paraffin, liquid. CAS RN 8012-95-1. Density: 0.88 kg/L. 'Baker'. Saybolt Viscosity at 37.8[degree]C: 345-355. Subject to postal/shipping restrictions. 4L.
Supplier: VWR International
Description: These oil-free pans are ideal for general-purpose weighing, dispensing, storing, and drying applications.

Catalog Number: (JT2705-1)
Description: White. Stabilized with vitamin E.

Supplier: VWR International
Description: Designed to soak up liquids, oils, and common solvents, abosorbent pads provide an excellent alternative to paper towels and gauze.

Supplier: VWR International
Description: Ideal for transferring hydrocarbons, gasoline, kerosene, heating oils, cutting compounds, and glycol-based coolants.
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Absorbent pads and rolls are ideal for spill cleanup; fast-wicking dimpled design absorbs liquids quickly to leave area clean and dry for improved safety.


Catalog Number: (56255-006)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Moderate heat and oil resistance with concave recess on top to support round-bottom flasks and dishes.

Description: White.
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