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Supplier: MEDMIRA CA
Description: Miriad Rapid HBc/HIV/HCV Antibody Test employs MedMira Rapid Vertical Flow Technology to deliver the simultaneous diagnosis of Hepatitis B core, HIV-1/2, and Hepatitis C.


Catalog Number: (10769-911)
Supplier: MEDMIRA
Description: HBc/HIV/HCV Antibody Test Controls (Test Controls) are external quality control agents, intended for use with the following Miriad rapid antibody tests:
Model 815311006012 Miriad Rapid HCV/HIV Antibody Test POU+
Model 815311005954 Miriad Rapid HCV/HIV Antibody Test LAB+
Model 815311006005 Miriad Rapid HBc/HIV/HCV Antibody Test POU+
Model 815311005978 Miriad Rapid HBc/HIV/HCV Antibody Test LAB+
Performance may vary if used with other rapid tests.


Catalog Number: (75780-214)
Supplier: MEDMIRA
Description: Miriad Rapid HCV/HIV Antibody Test employs MedMira Rapid Vertical Flow Technology to deliver the simultaneous diagnosis of Hepatitis C and HIV-1/2


Supplier: Clarity Diagnostics
Description: Test strips for urinalysis testing of various parameters.

Catalog Number: (CA95062-807)
Supplier: MEDMIRA CA
Description: Miriad RVF Toolkit is a set of components and protocols based on MedMira Rapid Vertical Flow Technology enabling researchers and academics with the building blocks to create and optimize assays comparable to the complex laboratory-based testing systems


Catalog Number: (CA95062-813)
Supplier: MEDMIRA CA
Description: Miriad Rapid TP/HIV Antibody Test employs MedMira Rapid Vertical Flow Technology to deliver the simultaneous diagnosis of syphilis (Treponema pallidum bacteria) and HIV-1/2


Catalog Number: (10789-423)
Supplier: MEDMIRA
Description: Miriad Rapid HBc/HIV/HCV Antibody Test POU+ employs MedMira rapid vertical flow technology to deliver the simultaneous diagnosis of hepatitis B core, HIV-1/2 and hepatitis C

Catalog Number: (CA10171-070)
Supplier: MEDMIRA CA
Description: Miriad Rapid HBc/HIV/HCV Antibody Test, Point-of-Use Format employs MedMira Rapid Vertical Flow Technology to deliver the simultaneous diagnosis of Hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc total), HIV-1/2, and Hepatitis C


Catalog Number: (CA77623-670)
Description: The most sensitive toxin test: 95% sensitivity in detecting <i>C. difficile</i> infection. 99% NPV to rule out negatives. Definitive results with no confusing algorithms. Results available in 15 minutes to expedite appropriate treatment decisions.

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Catalog Number: (75780-216)
Supplier: MEDMIRA
Description: Miriad Rapid HCV/HIV Antibody Test employs MedMira Rapid Vertical Flow Technology to deliver the simultaneous diagnosis of Hepatitis C and HIV-1/2


Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Intended for use in screening for sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait, these tests are based on the differential solubility of Hemoglobin S and Hemoglobin A in a concentrated phosphate solution


Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: These reagents are for the detection of acquired or congenital disorders affecting the extrinsic and common pathways


Catalog Number: (76473-472)
Supplier: BTNX INC.
Description: The Rapid Response® Fecal immunochemical test (FIT) cassette is a rapid, qualitative test for the determination of human occult blood in feces, to aid in the early detection of gastrointestinal problems such as colorectal cancer.

Catalog Number: (77020-340)
Supplier: PTS Diagnostics
Description: PTS Panels Cholesterol test strips provide lab-quality total cholesterol results on-site in about 45 seconds from a single fingerstick.

Catalog Number: (77020-348)
Supplier: PTS Diagnostics
Description: PTS Panels CHOL+HDL test strips provide lab-quality total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol results on-site in as little as 45 seconds from a single fingerstick.

Catalog Number: (77020-350)
Supplier: PTS Diagnostics
Description: PTS Panels CHOL+HDL+GLU test strips provide lab-quality total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and glucose results on-site in about 90 seconds from a single fingerstick.

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