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Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: FDA-approved, non-carbonated beverages are designed for use in conjunction with glucose tolerance tests.

Catalog Number: (CA16005-092)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Blood bank saline is pH-controlled for a pH between 6.5 and 7.0

Catalog Number: (CA95041-470)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Laboratory grade quality suitable for procedures in Histology

Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Prefilled formalin containers, half-filled with 10% neutral buffered formalin fixative, are used in histological applications for fixation and storage of tissue specimens.
Catalog Number: (CA10842-588)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: The C.E.M. stain kit demonstrates eosinophils and mast cells in fixed or frozen tissue sections.


Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Wright stain is a polychromatic hematology stain consisting of eosin and methylene blue.
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Mark critical margins and areas of interest on tissue sections with these assorted colors of tissue marking dye.


Catalog Number: (CA10746-660)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: For use with for the Wescor® Aerospray stainer. Compatible with the ELITechGroup Aerospray® stainer

Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Form-Zero Powder neutralizes up to one gallon of 10% neutral buffered formalin waste.


Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Primary stain in the Gram Stain method for differentiating bacteria.


Catalog Number: (CA89130-184)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Used in histological staining of tissues.

Catalog Number: (CA89130-200)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Methylene blue is used in staining applications to ease in differentiation between components.

Catalog Number: (CA10863-274)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: This fast-acting, alcoholic counterstain stains erythrocytes, collagen, and the cytoplasm of muscle (epithelial cells) different shades of pink

Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Super absorbent pads are designed to absorb and neutralize up to 900 cc of 10% neutral buffered formalin.


Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Prefilled containers, half filled with zinc formalin fixative, are ideal for all tissue types. They promote excellent H&E staining and enhance IHC results. Also enhances nuclear and cytoplasmic fixation.
Catalog Number: (CA89130-198)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Used as the mordant in the Gram stain protocol

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