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Catalog Number: (CA10863-274)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: This fast-acting, alcoholic counterstain stains erythrocytes, collagen, and the cytoplasm of muscle (epithelial cells) different shades of pink

Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Super absorbent pads are designed to absorb and neutralize up to 900 cc of 10% neutral buffered formalin.


Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Prefilled containers, half filled with zinc formalin fixative, are ideal for all tissue types. They promote excellent H&E staining and enhance IHC results. Also enhances nuclear and cytoplasmic fixation.
Catalog Number: (CA89130-198)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Used as the mordant in the Gram stain protocol

Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Giemsa stain is a classical blood film stain for peripheral blood smear and bone marrow specimens.
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: For routine cytology this counterstains will work with any hematoxylin for excellent cellular differentiation.


Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Disposable grossing pads absorb and neutralize weak formaldehyde solutions.

Catalog Number: (CA71002-498)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Elite Histology Stain, Ultra Bluing Reagent


Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Accessories for Tissue Marking Dyes, Azer Scientific

Catalog Number: (CA89130-176)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Stain for blood smears or bone marrow specimens.

Catalog Number: (CA71002-482)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Our Prestige Eosin-Y is specially formulated to provide a bright and consistent cytoplasmic stain


Catalog Number: (CA71002-464)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Azer Scientific Elite Histology Stains are formulated for consistently good performance on paraffin embedded or frozen section tissue.


Catalog Number: (CA10842-586)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: AFB stain kit for the histological visualization of acid fast organisms.


Catalog Number: (CA95041-466)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Anhydrous reagent grade alcohol is a denatured form of ethyl alcohol, approved for sale under U.S. regulations (90 parts ethyl alcohol, 5 parts methyl alcohol, and 5 parts isopropyl alcohol).

Catalog Number: (CA89033-052)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Made from high-quality glass, these slides are pre-cleaned with smooth grounded edges.

Catalog Number: (CA95041-462)
Supplier: Azer Scientific
Description: Anhydrous reagent grade alcohol is a denatured form of ethyl alcohol, approved for sale under U.S. regulations (90 parts ethyl alcohol, 5 parts methyl alcohol, and 5 parts isopropyl alcohol).

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