You Searched For: Selenium+chloride

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Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: MDL: MFCD00011226 Decomposes in water. Soluble in chloroform, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: MDL: MFCD00011225 Decomposes in water and moist air. Insoluble in liquid bromine. Sublimes when heated
Supplier: General Separation Technologies, Inc.
Description: Typical Application: Alcohols II and III, Amines (low MW), Amines/ Alcohols/ Chlorides, Aromatics Analysis: ASTM D16 Analytes, Aromatics II, Blood Alcohol, Bourbon, Branched alcohols, BTEX, Chlorinated Isooctane, Citronella Java Oil, Esters III, Ethylene Oxide, FAME Standard I, FAMEs (Coca Butter), Fast Styrene Analysis, Flavor Volatiles, Formaldehyde Underivatized, Fragrance Allergens, Fragrance Reference Standard II, Free Fatty Acids, Free Organic Acids/C4-C5 Isomers, Impurities in Ethylbenzene, Impurities in Mixed Xylenes, Impurities in p-Xylene-ASTM D3798, Impurities in Styrene, Industrial Solvent, Lavender Oil Spiked with Camphor, Monomers in Latex Paint by Headspace, Mushroom Aroma (Synthetic), Nitrosamines, Nutmeg Oil, Organic Acids, Phenols III, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, Rapeseed Oil, Rapid Analysis of Water in Organic Solvents, Solvents I, II, Spearmint Oil, Strawberry Syrup, Sulfur and Selenium in Garlic by Headspace, Tramanian Lavander Oil, Volatile Organics, Volatile Sulphurs.

Supplier: General Separation Technologies, Inc.
Description: Typical application: Alcohols II and III, Amines (low MW), Amines/ Alcohols/ Chlorides, Aromatics analysis: ASTM D16 analytes, Aromatics II, Blood alcohol, Bourbon, Branched alcohols, BTEX, Chlorinated Isooctane, Citronella java oil, Esters III, Ethylene oxide, FAME Standard I, FAMEs (Coca Butter), Fast styrene analysis, Flavor volatiles, Formaldehyde Underivatized, Fragrance allergens, Fragrance Reference Standard II, Free Fatty Acids, Free Organic Acids/C4-C5 Isomers, Impurities in Ethylbenzene, Impurities in mixed xylenes, Impurities in p-Xylene-ASTM D3798, Impurities in styrene, Industrial Solvent, Lavender Oil Spiked with Camphor, Monomers in latex paint by headspace, Mushroom aroma (Synthetic), Nitrosamines, Nutmeg oil, Organic acids, Phenols III, Polyunsaturated fatty acid methyl esters, Rapeseed oil, Rapid analysis of water in organic solvents, Solvents I, II, Spearmint oil, Strawberry syrup, Sulphur and Selenium in Garlic by Headspace, Tramanian lavander oil, Volatile organics, Volatile sulfurs.

Supplier: VWR International
Description: Used with ICP-MS, ICP-OES, DCP, GFAA, and AA
Catalog Number: (CA8.00653.0005)
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: Selenium dioxide(sublimed), CAS number:7446-08-4, Synonyms:Selenious anhydride, Selenium(IV) oxide, Application:for synthesis

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: 1000ppm Se. Single element inductively coupled plasma (ICP) metal standard for use in standardizing ICP and AA spectrophotometers for parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) analyses. 100mL.
Catalog Number: (RCRV010620100N)
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Certified reference material (CRM) for ICP-MS


Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: Selenium dioxide(sublimed), CAS number:7446-08-4, Synonyms:Selenious anhydride, Selenium(IV) oxide, Application:for synthesis


Catalog Number: (AA45263-AE)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: Molecular Formula: Se in 2% HNO3
Physical Form: Liquid
UN No.: 3264
MDL No.: MFCD00134090

Catalog Number: (76577-698)
Description: Bovine Selenium-Binding Protein 1 (SELENBP1) ELISA Kit, AFG Bioscience

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: Selenium Black 99+Percent 250G Plastic Bottle Cas Number 7782-49-2, Solubility (20 Degree C) Slightly Soluble


Catalog Number: (10207-912)
Supplier: Boster Biological Technology
Description: Rabbit IgG polyclonal antibody for Selenium-binding protein 1(SELENBP1) detection. Tested with WB, IHC-P in Human.

Catalog Number: (SXORG-SE8-2Z)
Description: Organometallic single-element oil standards are guaranteed stable and accurate, together with a wide range of applications and features:

Description: Speciation analysis has become common in many fields, including environmental, food and pharmaceutical testing labs. To analyze species within a sample requires Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for sample verification and method validation.

Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: MDL: MFCD00011227 Insoluble in water, in dilute HCl
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