You Searched For: Magnesium+hydroxide+carbonate+hydrate

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Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: MDL: MFCD00149783
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: MDL: MFCD00149783
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Good for coarse precipitates such as aluminum hydroxide, cobalt carbonate, mercury iodide, magnesium hydroxide, and more.
Catalog Number: (CAMK5946-32)
Description: Magnesium Carbonate Heavy Pwd 50Lb

Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: Magnesium carbonate hydroxide pentahydrate is used as pharmaceutical intermediate.
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: CAS Number: 1309-42-8
Formula Weight: 58.32
Formula: Mg(OH)2
Solubility: Dilute Acids
Synonyms: Milk of Magnesia, Magnesium Hydrate
Shelf Life (months): 36
Storage: Green


Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Magnesium Carbonate, Heavy, FCC is used as a nutritional supplement. The FCC grade meets the requirements of the Food Chemical Codex indicates and is suitable for all food, beverage and nutritional supplement applications. Spectrum Chemical offers over 300 Food grade chemical ingredients packaged in laboratory size bottles to production drum quantities and are manufactured, packaged and stored under current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) per 21CFR part 211 in FDA registered and inspected facilities.

Supplier: VWR International
Description: Material will freeze if stored below 16°C (60°F). Protect from air to avoid absorption of carbon dioxide. Lot analysis on label.
Catalog Number: (CA11024-368)
Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Magnesium Trisilicate, Powder, USP is a buffering agent excipient. 

Catalog Number: (CAJT0390-7)
Description: Clear, colorless liquid. Made from USP water for injection and filtered through a 0.2µm filter. Protect from air to avoid absorption of carbon dioxide. GMP manufactured. Actual lot analysis reported on label.

Catalog Number: (CAJT4674-1)
Description: (1 equiv.=56.11 g KOH)

Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: 1 mL = 1 mg CO2
Catalog Number: (100504-376)
Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences
Description: 2N Standardized and Carbonate-free. This solution is prepared from ACS Reagent grade sodium hydroxide, and is standardized colormetrically against potassium biphthalate primary reference material.
Normal Concentration 1.98-2.02

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: CAS Number: 39409-82-0
Formula: 4MgCO3·2Mg(OH)2·4H2O/5H2O
Density (g/mL): 2.16
Solubility: Acids and Slightly in Water
Synonyms: Magnesium Carbonate basic, tetrahydrate
Shelf Life (months): 36
Storage: Green


Catalog Number: (CA97026-240)
Supplier: Hach
Description: Used for carbon dioxide determination by Digital Titration.


Supplier: Spectrum Chemicals
Description: Sodium Hydroxide, Pellets, NF is used as a pH adjusting agent. 
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