You Searched For: DEAE-Dextran

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Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: DEAE-Dextran is used in the development of sustained release protein delivery and nucleic acid transfection systems.
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: DEAE Sephadex™ A-25 and DEAE Sephadex™ A-50 are weak anion exchangers. Sephadex™ ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix. These groups are attached to glucose units in the matrix by stable ether linkages.
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: DEAE Sephadex™ A-25 and DEAE Sephadex™ A-50 are weak anion exchangers. Sephadex™ ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix. These groups are attached to glucose units in the matrix by stable ether linkages.
Catalog Number: (CA80511-358)
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: GeneJuice® Transfection Reagent is a proprietary formulation optimized for maximal transfection efficiency, ease of use, and minimal cytotoxicity. This transfection reagent is a superior alternative to a wide variety of other techniques including calcium phosphate coprecipitation, electroporation, microinjection, biolistic particle delivery, and complex formation with DEAE-dextran.

Catalog Number: (CA97067-834)
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: HiScreen DEAE FF columns are prepacked with DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow, a weak anion exchanger, and are part of the process development platform available from Cytiva. The columns are an excellent choice for method optimization and parameter screening.

Catalog Number: (CA89128-880)
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: HiPrep DEAE FF 16/10 is a weak anion exchanger prepacked with DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow, ready-to-use for fast, preparative separations of proteins and other biomolecules using ion exchange (IEX) chromatography.

Supplier: Cytiva
Description: DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow is a weak anion exchanger based on the well established Sepharose Fast Flow ion exchange platform, extensively used for preparative protein separations in both research and industrial applications.
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: Capto™ DEAE is a strong anion exchange bioprocessing medium, designed to meet the demands of modern large-scale manufacturers for fast, efficient, and cost-effective capture and intermediate protein purification when high volume throughput is essential.
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: HiTrap Capto DEAE is a weak anion exchanger prepacked with BioProcess Capto resins for screening and small-scale protein purifications using ion exchange chromatography (IEX)..
Catalog Number: (CA97067-804)
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: HiScreen™ Capto™ DEAE column is a weak anion exchanger with a bed height of 10 cm making it an excellent tool for method optimization, parameter screening, robustness testing, and convenient scale-up.

Supplier: Cytiva
Description: HiTrap DEAE FF is prepacked with DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow, and is a weak anion exchanger for small-scale protein purifications as well as screening of binding and elutions conditions.
Catalog Number: (89329-630)
Supplier: Genetex
Description: Rabbit polyclonal antibody to PERP

Supplier: VWR
Description: Dextran sulfate sodium salt, M.W. ~ 500,000, Ultra Pure Grade
Catalog Number: (CA95016-964L)
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: DEAE Sepharose™ CL-6B is a weak anion exchanger.

Catalog Number: (CA80057-990)
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: ( [N,N-bis-(3-D-Gluconamidopropyl)deoxycholamide] ). White solid. PROTECT FROM MOISTURE. A nonionic detergent analog of CHAPS and CHAPSO. Has reduced electrostatic interactions that do not interfere in anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Purity: >= 95% by HPLC.

Catalog Number: (CAJTG200-5)
Description: Average molecular weight is 60,000 to 90,000.

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