HiTrap Columns, Capto DEAE, Cytiva

Supplier: Cytiva
28-9165-40 28-9165-37
CA95055-980LPK 1626.09 CAD
CA95055-980L CA95056-246L
HiTrap Columns, Capto DEAE, Cytiva
Chromatography Columns
HiTrap Capto DEAE is a weak anion exchanger prepacked with BioProcess Capto resins for screening and small-scale protein purifications using ion exchange chromatography (IEX)..

  • High-throughput resin for capture and intermediate purification, excellent choice for process-scale purification
  • The combined properties of high binding capacity, high flow rate, and low back pressure reduces process cycle times and improves productivity at process scale
  • Rigid agarose matrix enables high bed heights and purification of viscous samples at high flow rates

Capto DEAE has a weak diethylaminoethyl anion exchanger coupled to a chemically modified, high-flow agarose matrix. The modified agarose matrix provides greater particle rigidity without compromising pore size, which allows more flexibility in process-scale applications. High dynamic binding capacity is achieved with a dextran surface extender that coats the agarose matrix.
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