You Searched For: 9-Oxoacridine-10-acetic+acid+(CMA)

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Supplier: TCI America
Description: CAS Number: 38609-97-1
MDL Number: MFCD00157050
Molecular Formula: C15H11NO3
Molecular Weight: 253.26
Purity/Analysis Method: >98.0% (HPLC,T)
Form: Crystal
Melting point (°C): 291
Lambda max.: 410 nm (H2O)


Catalog Number: (10099-986)
Supplier: Prosci
Description: CMAS is an enzyme that catalyzes the activation of Neu5Ac to Cytidine 5-prime-monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-Neu5Ac), which provides the substrate required for the addition of sialic acid. Sialic acids of cell surface glycoproteins and glycolipids play a pivotal role in the structure and function of animal tissues. The pattern of cell surface sialylation is highly regulated during embryonic development, and changes with stages of differentiation. Studies of a similar murine protein suggest that this protein localizes to the nucleus.The enzyme encoded by this gene catalyzes the activation of Neu5Ac to Cytidine 5-prime-monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-Neu5Ac), which provides the substrate required for the addition of sialic acid. Sialic acids of cell surface glycoproteins and glycolipids play a pivotal role in the structure and function of animal tissues. The pattern of cell surface sialylation is highly regulated during embryonic development, and changes with stages of differentiation. Studies of a similar murine protein suggest that this protein localizes to the nucleus.

Catalog Number: (10084-896)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Mast Cell Chymase, also named as CYH, CYM and CMA1, belongs to the peptidase S1 family and Granzyme subfamily. It is the major secreted protease of mast cells with suspected roles in vasoactive peptide generation, extracellular matrix degradation, and regulation of gland secretion. CMA1 maybe a target for cardiovascular disease therapies.

Catalog Number: (CAJT9513-7)
Description: Ethanolic acid; glacial acetic acid. CAS RN 64-19-7. Formula Weight: 60.05. Density: 1.05kg/L. CMOS* grade, 99.7% min. (by freezing point). Color (APHA): 10 max. Acetic anhydride: 0.01% max. Packaged in a glass bottle. Subject to postal/shipping restrictions. 19L.

Description: Ethanolic acid; glacial acetic acid. CAS RN 64-19-7. Formula Weight: 60.05. Density: 1.05kg/L. CMOS* grade, 99.7% min. (by freezing point). Color (APHA): 10 max. Acetic anhydride: 0.01% max. Packaged in a poly bottle. Subject to postal/shipping restrictions. 4.08kg.
Supplier: TCI America
Description: CAS Number: 578-95-0
MDL Number: MFCD00005019
Molecular Formula: C13H9NO
Molecular Weight: 195.22
Purity/Analysis Method: >98.0% (HPLC,N)
Form: Crystal
Melting point (°C): 354
Description: EDTA Titrant, 0.1 Molar (M/10) Volumetric Solution, StandARd®
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: CAS Number: 64-19-7
Formula: CH3COOH
Density: 1.049 g/ml
Boiling Point: 118.1°C
Freezing Point: 16.7°C


Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: Acetic Acid, 10% (v/v), CAS Number: 64-19-7, Molecular Formula: CH3COOH, Molecular Weight: 60.05 g/mol, Appearance: Colorless liquid, Vinegar-like, Size: 20l Cubitainer
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Description: 0.100 Normal (N/10). Meets EP specifications. Cubitainer, 20L
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: 9-Acridone 99%
Catalog Number: (470163-086)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Determine Concentrations of Unknowns


Catalog Number: (470302-912)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: CAS Number: 89-83-8
Formula Weight: 150.22
Formula: C10H14O
Density (g/mL): 0.972
Boiling Point (°C): 232
Freezing Point (°C): 48
Solubility: Alcohol and Acetic Acid
Synonyms: Thyme Camphor
Shelf Life (months): 36
Storage: Green


Supplier: VWR
Description: EGTA, (Ethylene glycol bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid), ultrapure, CAS Number: 67-42-5, Molecular Formula: C14H24N2O10, MW: 380.4 g/mol, Melting Pt: 240 to 244 deg C, size: 10 g
Catalog Number: (TCH1398-100MG)
Supplier: TCI America
Description: CAS Number: 5852-10-8
MDL Number: MFCD00467589
Molecular Formula: C12H10O5
Molecular Weight: 234.21
Purity/Analysis Method: >97.0% (HPLC,T)
Form: Crystal
Melting point (°C): 268
Storage Temperature: >-20°C


Catalog Number: (CAJT4653-1)
Description: (1/10 mole=33.62 g C₁₀H₁₄N₂Na₂O₈)

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