You Searched For: Nucleic Acid Assays

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Supplier: Quantabio
Description: Ultra FAST RNA library prep with integrated rRNA and globin depletion.

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Supplier: Zymo Research
Description: Purified, non-methylated and methylated human DNA for use as negative and positive control in methylated detection applications.

Supplier: Cytiva
Description: RAPD reactions are pre-optimized for use with a wide variety of organisms.
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: G-Biosciences' RNase-DETECT™ is a highly reliable and sensitive method to detect RNase activity in any reagent solution that has the potential for RNase contamination
Catalog Number: (76779-040)
Description: Helixyte™ Green fluorimetric total nucleic acid quantitation kit is optimized for measuring the total amounts of nucleic acids with a fluorescence microplate reader.

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Catalog Number: (89329-734)
Supplier: Genetex
Description: These sampler kits with combinations of high quality antibodies are convenient and efficient tools to study the mechanism of DNA repair.

Catalog Number: (76779-116)
Description: Portelite™ fluorimetric total nucleic acid quantitation kit is optimized for measuring the total amounts of nucleic acids with CytoCite™ or Qubit® fluorometers.

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Catalog Number: (76423-324)
Description: Quantitative determination of L-amino acids in biological and other samples.

Catalog Number: (76545-496)
Description: Direct Assays: Salicylate in biological samples and beauty products, mouthwash, etc.

Supplier: Biotium
Description: These kits use enzymatic labeling of DNA double-strand breaks for fluorescence staining of apoptotic cells in fixed samples or tissue sections by TUNEL.

Catalog Number: (76779-098)
Description: The two-tube kit format helps to set up the reaction faster and is optimized to yield cDNA over a broad dynamic range.

Small Business Enterprise Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (76423-322)
Description: Direct determination of oxalate concentrations in biological samples.

Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Description: For added convenience, this kit contains NEBNext RNA Sample Purification Beads (Agencourt® RNAClean® XP beads from Beckman Coulter).

Catalog Number: (76545-526)
Description: Direct Assays: NADP+/NADPH concentrations and ratios in cell or tissue extracts.

Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: G-Biosciences' NUCLEIC dotMETRIC™ kit provides a quick and accurate method for detecting and measuring nucleic acid concentration, including DNA, RNA and oligonucleotides

Catalog Number: (76779-046)
Description: The assay detects long oligonucleotides or ssDNA. Nucleotides and short oligo nucleotides of six bases or less do not interfere in the quantitation assay.

Small Business Enterprise Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

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