CF® Dye TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kits, Biotium

Supplier: Biotium

30063 30064 30074
89410-736EA 1237.9 CAD
89410-736 89410-738 10098-646
CF® Dye TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kits, Biotium
Assays Nucleic Acid Assays

These kits use enzymatic labeling of DNA double-strand breaks for fluorescence staining of apoptotic cells in fixed samples or tissue sections by TUNEL.

  • Direct labeling of DNA ds breaks with fluorescent dUTP
  • Bright & photostable next-generation CF® dyes
  • For fixed cells or tissue sections
  • Detect by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry

In TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling), TdT enzyme catalyzes the addition of labeled dUTP to the 3'- ends of the internucleosomal DNA strand breaks that are a hallmark of apoptosis. The CF® dye TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kits employs dUTP conjugated to the exceptionally bright and photostable fluorescent dyes, for single step fluorescent TUNEL labeling of fixed cells or tissues for analysis by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.

Kit Components:
Equilibration Buffer
CF® Dye TUNEL Reaction Buffer
TdT Enzyme (calf thymus; recombinant, produced in E. coli)

Delivery information: Kits include reagents for 50 reactions using 50 uL per reaction.

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