You Searched For: HPLC Sorbents

By pumping pressurized liquid solvent with the sample mixture through a HPLC sorbent-filled column, researchers are able to identify each mixture component using retention time measurements. These sorbents are capable of working with small particle sizes requiring high operational pressure, a common high-performance liquid chromatography operation characteristic. Able to separate and quantify, the HPLC sorbents have a hydrophobic or polar nature. The versatile materials function with digital microprocessing instruments for rapid testing.

By pumping pressurized liquid solvent with the sample mixture through a HPLC sorbent-filled column, researchers are able to identify each mixture component using retention time measurements. These sorbents are capable of working with small particle sizes requiring high operational pressure, a common high-performance liquid chromatography operation characteristic. Able to separate and quantify, the HPLC sorbents have a hydrophobic or polar nature. The versatile materials function with digital microprocessing instruments for rapid testing.

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Supplier: Hamilton
Description: Packing material for reversed phase applications.

Supplier: W.R. GRACE & CO. - CONN
Description: DAVISIL® Bonded Chromatographic silica is an economical resin for a wide variety of bonding types, scale, and applications.

Supplier: Hamilton
Description: 17184545

Supplier: W.R. GRACE & CO. - CONN
Description: Unique Wide Pore and Extra-Wide Pore silicas are a cost effective solution for purification of large molecules.

Supplier: W.R. GRACE & CO. - CONN
Description: Grade 923 meets the specification for Silica in the ASTM D-1319 FIA test and the ASTM D-2549 Test.

Supplier: W.R. GRACE & CO. - CONN
Description: Proven performance and high quality chromatographic silica.

Catalog Number: (EM1.01077.9020)
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: Aluminum Oxide 90 Active Neutral has 70 - 230 Mesh ASTM.

Supplier: Restek
Description: Restek's extensive QC program ensures the high quality and reproducibility of these silica packing materials.

Catalog Number: (CA76501-280)
Supplier: United Science
Description: Silica bonded phase used for THC-CBD separations, purification, and remediation.

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