Best DNA transfection reagent - jetOPTIMUS®

jetOPTIMUS® is a powerful transfection reagent that improves cellular uptake and endosomal escape of DNA in adherent cells (even in hard-to-transfect cells) resulting in higher transfection efficiency.
- Highly efficient: reach maximal gene expression in hard-to-transfect cells
- Cost-effective: use minimum reagent volume and DNA quantity
- Biologically relevant: keep an excellent cell viability & morphology
- Time-saving: transfect with an optimized ready-to-use protocol
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jetOPTIMUS® is an innovative cationic nanotechnology developed to improve DNA transfection efficiency in difficult-to-transfect cells used as in vitro cell culture models. Tested on various primary cells and cell lines, jetOPTIMUS® proved its superiority by reaching higher transfection efficiencies and gene expression than main competitors.

jetOPTIMUS® has been developed to increase transfection efficiency into a wide range of cell types, while keeping the amount of DNA as low as possible, and reducing the volume of reagent required compared to main competitors. Consequently, scientists can increase the number of transfections and reduce the cost per reaction by up to seven-fold.

jetOPTIMUS® transfection reagent is also very gentle on cells, allowing generation of biologically relevant data from gene expression studies.

jetOPTIMUS® is extermely easy to use and is provided with its own buffer.
“In comparison to another transfection reagent, jetOPTIMUS was mind-blowingly better for the difficult to transfect 3T3-NR6 cells!“
– Danai L., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE
“Very easy to use, sensitive cell lines support it very well, good efficiency and reproducibility, I would recommend it.”
– Huguette D., UZH, CH
“jetOPTIMUS is a great product. It worked better than competitors to deliver large plasmid constructs into hard-to-transfect cells.”
– Mona S., University, DE
Product Selection

jetMESSENGER™ mRNA transfection reagent
jetMESSENGER enables transfection in hard to transfect cells using mRNA. Take your gene expression to the next level by switching to mRNA!

INTERFERin® siRNA/miRNA transfection reagent
INTERFERin provides high silencing efficiency at low concentration of siRNA/miRNA that enables to avoid off-target effects. Its gentle mode of action ensure more robust data and excellent cell viability,

in vivo-jetPEI® for in vivo nucleic acid delivery
in vivo-jetPEI is a powerful polymer based reagent used to deliver any nucleic acid to any animal model. in vivo-jetPEI has already been used to target a wide range of organs using various administration routes.