Routine PCR & Amplification

Competent Cells, PCR & Amplification Enzymes
EconoTaq® PLUS GREEN 2X Master Mix
- The easiest solution for PCR. Ready-to-use 2X Taq DNA Polymerase master mix formulated with a proprietary PCR enhancer for optimal performance, dNTPs, and two tracking dyes for easy gel loading and monitoring.
EconoTaq® PLUS 2X Master Mix
- Same great performance as EconoTaq PLUS GREEN, but does not contain tracking dyes, avoiding interference with fluorescence detection.
EconoTaq® DNA Polymerase
- High quality Taq DNA polymerase at a low price.
CloneID™ 1X Colony PCR Mix
- Convenient and powerful 1X master mix for direct Colony PCR.
Bst DNA Polymerase, Exonuclease Minus
- Isothermal amplification and strand displacement for LAMP and NextGen sequencing.