Competent Cells

Spend time making your discoveries, not your competent cells.
E. cloni 10G – High efficiency cloning
- Direct replacements for standard cloning strains (e.g., DH5α™, DH10B™, TOP10, XL1-Blue)
- Optimized for high plasmid yields: T1 phage resistant, endonuclease and recombination deficient, blue/white screening-capable
- Available in a range of high transformation efficiencies (5 × 109 to 4 × 1010 cfu/μg)
Endura – Reliable cloning of unstable DNA
- Direct replacements for Stbl3™ and SURE strains
- Optimized for maintaining DNA with inverted repeats and other unstable sequences
- Highly recommended for GeCKO CRISPR libraries and other lentiviral vectors*
- Available as highly efficient Chemically Competent or Electrocompetent cells
* As referenced in the GeCKO Genome-scale CRISPR Knock-Out protocol by Zhang Lab
Phage Display – Create larger libraries; speed discovery
- Perfect for antibody phage display or peptide phage display libraries
- ElectroCombo Pack contains three stains: TG1, SS320, ER2738
- Highest efficiency TG1 competent cells available: ≥4 × 1010 cfu/µg
- Your only source for electrocompetent SS320 and ER2738 cells
- ER2738 strain is recommended for use with New England Biolab’s Ph.D.™ Phage Display Kits
- Amber suppressor and non-amber suppressor lines for maximum flexibility
TransforMax EP1300 Electrocompetent E. coli
- Clone large inserts and transform large plasmids - up to at least 145 kb plasmid DNA
- Increase colony counts after transformation of Gibson Assembly® reactions
- Achieve high transformation efficiencies: >1 × 1010 cfu/µg pUC19 DNA