Autosampler & Sample Introduction Supplies
There are numerous ways of introducing your sample into the gas chromatography flow path, and Agilent provides the necessary supplies for whichever way you choose. Our extensive portfolio includes parts for gc headspace samplers, gas and liquid sampling valves, thermal desorption, CTC autosamplers, and a variety of other GC headspace samplers.
Autosampler Supplies
Find parts for your Agilent autosampler here, including turrets, repair parts, needle supports inserts, and diffusion caps.
CTC GC Autosampler Supplies
Here you will find what you need in Agilent’s wide variety of supplies for GC CTC autosamplers
Gas & Liquid Sampling Valve Supplies
Gas and liquid sampling valves are used to sample gases/liquids in flowing streams like those in chemical reactors, and natural gas processing.
Headspace Sampler Supplies
Find the headspace supplies you need for your Agilent 7697 or G1888 headspace sampler.
Purge & Trap Supplies
Find supplies for the following Teledyne Tekmar purge and trap instrumentation
Thermal Desorption Supplies
Thermal desorption provides the ability to measure volatile contaminants in air, toys, building materials, car cabins, and food.