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Catalog Number: (82021-218)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: Designed to eliminate damage from static electricity, the handle of this swab will dissipate 99% of a 5000V charge in less than two seconds

Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: Pillow-tip™ swabs consist of polyester knit fabric which is held in place using a shrink tube

Catalog Number: (15145-450)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: This hand lotion is formulated to protect against electrostatic charge

Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: Ultrapure, oxygen-free copper braids which quickly and completely remove solder from circuit boards and components.

Catalog Number: (15145-435)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: Static-dissipative cleaner and reconditioner for ESD mats, benchtops, and production assembly surfaces can rejuvenate dead spots on ESD mats

Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: Swabs feature either knit or nonwoven fabric heads, and are acid and solvent resistant

Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: Desoldering braids significantly reduce rework/repair time and minimize the risk of heat damage

Catalog Number: (15145-612)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: This durable adhesive-free swab are designed for precise applications and provides good particle entrapment and works well as a adhesive, lubricant and solvent applicators.

Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: These ultrapure, oxygen-free copper braids quickly and completely remove solder from circuit boards and components

Catalog Number: (15145-508)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: The Foamtips™ swabs are constructed from purest medical grade foam which features the best open cell structure, providing excellent particle entrapment characteristics. The foam is thermally bonded to the swab handle without using adhesives. These swabs are ideal for general cleaning applications.

Catalog Number: (15145-532)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: Economical versatile cleanroom sealed foam swabs for general-purpose applications.

Catalog Number: (15145-676)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: SW BRAID UNFLUXD110WX10FT PK25

Catalog Number: (15145-412)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics

Catalog Number: (15145-684)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: SW BRAID UNFLUXD080WX10FT 25PK

Catalog Number: (15145-624)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics
Description: SW BRAID NO CLEAN210WX5FT 25PK

Catalog Number: (15145-640)
Supplier: ITW Chemtronics

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