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Catalog Number: (76579-396)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Mopec’s biohazard waste bin fit the biohazard waste bags perfectly.

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Biopsy bags are available in three standard sizes and two premium sizes.

Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Dramatically minimizes exposure to formaldehyde vapors.

Catalog Number: (76948-900)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Gray plastic staining rack.

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: These scissors are designed with one sharp tip, one blunt tip and a curved cutting edge. Ideal for a variety of post-mortem dissection needs.

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Slightly blunt tips assure controlled, precise and safe post-mortem dissection with minimal damage to surrounding tissue.

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: These scissors offer a unique combination of slim, blunt, curved tips and thin, delicate shafts for post-mortem dissection with minimal damage to surrounding tissues. Variety of lengths and grades.

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Extra heavy-duty scissors with blunt tips.

Catalog Number: (76548-686)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Fine, serrated tips secure tissue during all post-mortem procedures.

Catalog Number: (76548-698)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Sharp 1×2 interlocking teeth for secure grip with minimal tissue compression.

Catalog Number: (76548-640)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Forceps specifically designed for handling microscope slides.

Catalog Number: (76548-694)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Curved tip forceps allow for a tight grip with minimal tissue compression.

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Finger ring grip, adjustable interlocking cross arms and serrated teeth

Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: High quality retractor assists in separating tissues during autopsy procedures to allow for deeper cutting or probing.

Catalog Number: (76549-010)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Extra long angled handle allows easy access to abdominal and chest cavity. Large scoop provides ample capacity for removing any fluid.

Catalog Number: (76549-386)
Supplier: Mortech Manufacturing
Description: Stainless steel scalpel blade handle with extended grip.

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