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Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: The E.Z.N.A.® Viral RNA Kit is designed for the isolation of viral RNA from cell-free fluids such as plasma, serum, urine, and cell culture supernatant
Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: The E.Z.N.A.® Plant RNA Kit provides a convenient and rapid method for the isolation of total RNA from a variety of plant samples
Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: Based on the same principle of the Total RNA Kit I, the E-Z 96® Total RNA Kit is designed to isolate total RNA from cells and soft tissues in a 96-well plate format

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: The Endo-Free Plasmid Midi Kits provide an efficient method for the large-scale isolation of endotoxin-free plasmid DNA

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: The E.Z.N.A.® Water DNA Kit is formulated to isolate high-purity cellular DNA from water samples typically containing humic acid and inhibitors of PCR.

Catalog Number: (CA76509-254)
Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: RNA-Solv® Reagent is a one reagent system for the isolation of total RNA from cells and tissues. The reagent, a single-phase solution consisting of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate, is a modification of the single-step RNA isolation method developed by Chomczynski and Sacchi. The sample is homogenised and lysed in RNA-Solv® Reagent, which maintains the integrity of the RNA while disrupting and denaturing endogenous RNases and other cellular components. Extraction of the lysate with chloroform further denatures proteins and separates the mixture into an organic and an aqueous phase. RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase, and is subsequently recovered by isopropanol.

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: Isolate DNA from molluscs and insects using spin columns.

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: MicroElute® Clean Up system, designed for rapid DNA clean up.

Catalog Number: (CA89134-794)
Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: Isolates total RNA from blood samples stored in special preservation reagents and PAXgene tubes using spin columns.

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: Conc 100 ml

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: Accessories for MagBinder® Fit24 Nucleic Acid Purification System

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Catalog Number: (CA76539-232)
Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: Isolate DNA from tissues, buccal swabs, cultured cells, whole blood, body fluids, paraffin-embedded tissues, and mouse tail snips using mini spin columns.

Catalog Number: (CA76539-234)
Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: Isolate up to 25 µg plasmid DNA from 1 to 5 ml bacterial cultures using mini spin columns.

Catalog Number: (CA10147-142)
Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: The Mag-Bind® RxnPure Plus Kit allows rapid and reliable isolation DNA from PCR and other enzymatic reactions with high yield.

Supplier: Omega Bio-Tek
Description: The E.Z.N.A.® FastFilter Plasmid Midi Kit isolates plasmid DNA from up to 50mL of bacterial culture in under 40 minutes.

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