E.Z.N.A.®Plasmid Mini Extraction Kits, Omega Bio-tek
Omega Bio-tek provides various methods for plasmid DNA extraction from bacterial cultures
The E.Z.N.A.® Endo-Free Plasmid DNA systems are designed to efficiently purify plasmid DNA with low endotoxin levels for Transfection. . The Endo-Free Mini Kit I isolates plasmid from 1 – 5 mL bacterial cultures. After cell lysis and neutralization, the lysate is cleared via centrifugation and treated with a reagent for endotoxin removal. Plasmid DNA is purified with a few wash steps and eluted, yielding plasmid DNA that is ready for use in sensitive cell line transfection and in vitro experiments. Transfection-grade plasmid purification is also achieved with the Endo-Free Plasmid Kit II from up to 15 mL bacterial culture.
The BAC/PAC DNA Kit uses a alkaline lysis buffer system to separate genomic DNA from BAC and Cosmid DNA. The X-press Plasmid DNA Kit can isolate plasmid DNA in less than 7 minutes by eliminating the clearing of cellular debris. The DNA isolated with this system can be used for sequencing and restriction enzyme digests.
Plasmid isolation systems are also available in Midi and Maxi, magnetic bead, and high throughput formats.
The E.Z.N.A.® Plasmid Mini systems use the alkaline-lysis method to generate bacterial lysates combined with silica membrane technology to purify plasmid DNA. The Plasmid Mini Kit I is our most popular kit that yields up to 30 µg plasmid DNA from 1 – 5 mL bacterial culture. Plasmid DNA is bound to a HiBind® DNA column membrane, purified with a few wash steps, and eluted in a low-salt buffer. The Plasmid Mini II system uses this same purification method as the Plasmid Mini Kit I, isolating plasmid from up to 15 mL bacterial culture. Purified plasmid is ready for downstream applications such as sequencing, restriction digestion, transfection, and transformation.
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