You Searched For: Vertical+Gel+Electrophoresis+Systems

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Supplier: Avantor
Description: These bundles are everything you need to perform agarose gel electrophoresis.

Catalog Number: (CAPI89888)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Quickly and easily decontaminate samples for SDS-PAGE electrophoresis with this kit

Catalog Number: (97062-384)
Supplier: VWR
Description: TAE is an extensively used buffer for agarose gel electrophoresis applications requiring high resolution and separation of high molecular weight, double-stranded DNA

Catalog Number: (CA95044-664)
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: Rect. Glass Plates 10X10Cm (5), 5 Ea. Category: Protein Vertical Instruments.

Supplier: VWR
Description: An extensive line of acrylamide and bis-acrylamide pre-weighed powder blends, premixed stock solutions and ready-to-use solutions for customized polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins and PAGE of nucleic acids. Ultra-pure (>99.9%) acrylamide and bis-acrylamide powders provide the flexibility to prepare solutions having concentrations and ratios for all electrophoresis applications. Liquid blends minimize the handling of neurotoxic acrylamide.
Catalog Number: (10836-724)
Supplier: VWR
Description: VividPro Plus™ is a fluorescent protein stain that can be used in a fast co-electrophoretic protocol to visualize proteins in SDS PAGE gels.

Catalog Number: (97063-954)
Supplier: VWR
Description: The 4X concentrated buffer (0.5M Tris pH 6.8 and 0.4% SDS) for preparation of stacking gels for Laemmli SDS-Page

Supplier: VWR
Description: VividPro™ is a generic fluorescent stain for protein gel electrophoresis that can be used to visualize proteins.
Catalog Number: (89230-108)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Supplied as a 200X concentrate, Gold-N-Gel™ RNA Stain is a non-mutagenic, fluorescent in-gel stain for immediate visualization of RNA bands on denaturing agarose gels.

Catalog Number: (97063-782)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Following electrophoresis, proteins are frequently transferred from the polyacrylamide gel onto PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes for use in immunoblotting or sequencing

Catalog Number: (10791-798)
Supplier: VWR
Description: EZ-Vision BlueLight is a sensitive, non mutagenic and environmentally safe fluorescent dye designed for gel staining.

Supplier: VWR
Description: Tris-Acetate-SDS, MOPS-SDS, and MES-SDS are useful for high resolution of proteins on neutral pH SDS-PAGE gels.
Catalog Number: (470039-316)
Supplier: Edvotek
Description: Subunit molecular weights are determined by analysis using denaturing SDS vertical polyacrylamide electrophoresis (PAGE) and the included prestained, ready to load lyophilized proteins. Prestained proteins with unknown molecular weights are assigned molecular weights based on the relative mobility of prestained standard protein markers.

Catalog Number: (97063-684)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Following electrophoresis, proteins are frequently transferred from the polyacrylamide gel onto PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes for use in immunoblotting or sequencing.

Supplier: VWR
Description: TAE is an extensively used buffer for agarose gel electrophoresis applications requiring high resolution and separation of high molecular weight, double-stranded DNA
Catalog Number: (470105-014)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Loading Dye


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