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Catalog Number: (36436-648)
Supplier: Shamrock Scientific
Description: Designed to identify containers or vessels that contain formaldehyde.

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (36436-200)
Supplier: Shamrock Scientific
Description: These Biohazard Labels comply with OSHA labeling standards for bloodborne pathogens.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Shamrock Scientific
Description: Expiration warning labels for the laboratory.

Supplier: Shamrock Scientific
Description: Ideal for cryogenic procedures that use dry ice, liquid nitrogen, or deep freezing.

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (36436-249)
Supplier: Shamrock Scientific
Description: Printed with vivid magenta ink on bright yellow background, labels can be used on any surface where visual warning is required.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Shamrock Scientific
Description: General purpose tape which adheres to nearly any surface.

Catalog Number: (470145-260)
Supplier: Shamrock Scientific
Description: Quick and easy to use.

Catalog Number: (15551-112)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: This scientific calculator performs 99% of routine and not-so-routine lab calculations, and provides instant and accurate answers for a variety of conversions, scientific functions, statistical operations, all arithmetic calculations, and other lab constants.

Supplier: VWR International
Description: These additional plasma freezer accessories are designed for use with Corepoint™ Scientific plasma freezers.

Environmentally Preferable

Supplier: VWR International
Description: Replacement probes for your Traceable® scientific RTD thermometer.

Catalog Number: (89217-510)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Bouin's fixative is a saturated picric acid-formalin solution that is useful for preserving and fixing delicate tissues and gastrointestinal tract specimens.

SDS Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (76537-062)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: These versatile cold storage units are designed for laboratory use.

Environmentally Preferable

Supplier: VWR International

Catalog Number: (51280-856)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Hardbound notebooks feature a title page and a table of contents.

Catalog Number: (75860-350)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Dense foam plugs fits both wide and narrow drosophila vials and bottles.

Catalog Number: (76457-428)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: For industrial, general and scientific purposes

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