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Supplier: Connecticut Cleanroom
Description: Made from an incinerable polyethylene film, mats remove foot borne particulates before entering the cleanroom

Supplier: Connecticut Cleanroom
Description: Ideal for writing, printing, and photocopying in a cleanroom environment

Catalog Number: (76024-224)
Supplier: ZING Enterprises
Description: Complies with state laws to designate access to handicap parking spaces.

Environmentally Preferable

Supplier: Excelta
Description: The 'Series 213' cleanroom safe brush has stainless steel handles and new Statigo9 fiber bristles.

Small Business Enterprise Minority or Woman-Owned Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (15551-792)
Supplier: NPS
Description: 20 Gallon drum Kit is ideal for the lab or cleanroom environment for fast response to unexpected spills.

Catalog Number: (75880-866)
Supplier: Excelta
Description: These scalpel handles and blades with the exception of the 181-22, are made of AISI 440 stainless steel and are cleanroom safe.

Supplier: Excelta
Description: For cleanroom applications.

Supplier: Excelta
Description: Designed for handling SMD components - Coated tips add strength and longevity to the tips.

Supplier: Excelta
Description: This thick and medium pointed tweezer is excellent for general assembly.

Supplier: Excelta
Description: Style 3C is ideal for precision work, including under magnification.

Catalog Number: (RK31614)
Supplier: Restek
Description: Contains: (C9) n-Nonane (111-84-2); (C10) n-Decane (124-18-5); (C12) n-Dodecane (112-40-3); (C14) n-Tetradecane (629-59-4); (C16) n-Hexadecane (544-76-3); (C18) n-Octadecane (593-45-3); (C20) n-Eicosane (112-95-8); (C22) n-Docosane (629-97-0); (C24) n-Tetracosane (646-31-1); (C26) n-Hexacosane (630-01-3); (C28) n-Octacosane (630-02-4); (C30) n-Triacontane (638-68-6); (C32) n-Dotriacontane (544-85-4); (C34) n-Tetratriacontane (14167-59-0); (C36) n-Hexatriacontane (630-06-8)

Catalog Number: (76024-222)
Supplier: ZING Enterprises
Description: Complies with state laws to designate access to handicap parking spaces.

Environmentally Preferable

Catalog Number: (470176-658)
Description: Ascomycete. Baker’s yeast. Reproduction by budding. Incubation temperature 30°C. YM agar growth medium.

Catalog Number: (470177-290)
Description: Marine. Filamentous. Branched thallus, zoospores. Erdschreiber’s medium.<BR><BR>Kelp and seaweed; with a distinct set of photosynthetic pigments.

Catalog Number: (470176-440)
Description: Test cylindrical, covered with sand granules. Soil-water medium.<BR><BR>Characterized by pseudopods; with or without a shell (test).

Catalog Number: (470176-722)
Description: Paramecium bursaria is a ciliate that contains mutualistic algae called Zoochlorella. The algae lives in the cytoplasma of the Paramecium and provides it with food. Paramecium bursaria grows in Dilute Alfalfa Medium (Hay Medium) or Soil Water Medium. Requires light for growth.

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