You Searched For: Vertical+Gel+Electrophoresis+Systems
646 results were found
~~PowerPoint Presentation~~
PowerPoint Presentation Forensic DNA Fingerprinting: Using Restriction Enzymes Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Center Science Chair Tr...
~~azure biosystems stain free gels~~
Introduction Stain-Free gel technology enables detection of protein bands in gels and on transfer membranes without using colorimetric or fluorescent stains. Stain-Free gels (Bio-Rad) contain a trihalocompound within the gel matrix that produces a...
Genomics Tools, Solutions and Resources | VWR
Genomics Tools and Solutions Genomics Tools Solutions and Resources Genomic Life Sciences or the study of human genes and chromosomes enables scientists to learn more about a patient's molecular biology. Genomics has enormous potential to reshape ...
~~PowerPoint Presentation~~
PowerPoint Presentation Crime Scene Investigator PCR Basics™ Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Center Science Chair Tracy High School an...
~~PowerPoint Presentation~~
PowerPoint Presentation Comparative Proteomics Kit II: Western Blot Module Comparative Proteomics Kit II: Western Blot Module Instructors Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead...
Gene Editing Technology, Tools and Resources | VWR
Gene Editing Technology Tools and Resources Gene Editing is the application area concerned with the intentional alteration of the DNA sequence of a plasmid cell or organism. Gene editing encompasses numerous methods including mutagenesis restricti...
Protein sample preparation for mass spectrometry
Protein Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry Protein sample preparation In order to run a successful mass spectrometry analysis you will need to properly prepare your sample. This includes a number of steps that may be specialized depending on...
~~PowerPoint Presentation~~
PowerPoint Presentation Comparative Proteomics Kit I: Protein Profiler Module Protein Profiler Kit Instructors Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller E...
Ward's Science Biotech For Life Kits
Ward's Science Biotech For Life Kits Timely real-world and hands-on activities teach the scientific method. Ward's Science Biotech For Life Kits Connect students to how researchers use biotechnology to identify the causes of genetic disorders and ...
Protein sample preparation for mass spectrometry
Protein Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry Protein sample preparation In order to run a successful mass spectrometry analysis you will need to properly prepare your sample. This includes a number of steps that may be specialized depending on...
~~PowerPoint Presentation~~
PowerPoint Presentation pGLO™ Transformation and Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Cente...
~~azure biosystems western blot normalization~~
Normalization is critical for obtaining accurate quantitative data from Western blots. Normalization accounts for unequal loading of samples across the lanes on a gel and for differences in transfer efficiency across a blot. Traditionally protein ...
Liquid Pump Installation Information
Liquid Pump Installation Information Relation of Pressure to Elevation In a static liquid (a body of liquid at rest) the pressure difference between any two points is in direct proportion only to the vertical distance between the points. Calculate...
Analytik Jena
Analytik Jena Analytik Jena is a leading provider of life science products including BioImaging PCR and Real-Time PCR systems for academic pharmaceutical and biotechnology applications. Specializing in DNA/RNA extraction/amplification and fluoresc...
~~azure biosystems chemiluminescent fluorescent west~~
Chemiluminescent Westerns Chemiluminescent Western blotting is an indirect method for detecting proteins bound on a membrane. The method relies on an enzyme-substrate reaction that emits light which is traditionally detected on x-ray film. Chemilu...
Analytik Jena
Analytik Jena Analytik Jena is a leading provider of life science products including BioImaging PCR and Real-Time PCR systems for academic pharmaceutical and biotechnology applications. Specializing in DNA/RNA extraction/amplification and fluoresc...
17 - 32 of 646