You Searched For: Vertical+Gel+Electrophoresis+Systems

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Supplier: VWR International
Description: for use with mini vertical gel system.

Catalog Number: (89032-300)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: This mini PAGE system can run up to four gels and is ideal for protein electrophoresis, IEF, and blotting.

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: One pair. For use with Wolverine* dual gel vertical electrophoresis system 27373-566.

Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: For IB92100 protein casting system.

Catalog Number: (27372-594)
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: For the Penguin*, Puffin*, and Wolverine* Vertical Electrophoresis Systems. For 10Wx10Lcm or 10Wx8Lcm gels. For casting gradient or single percentage gels. Allows the pumping of acrylamide through a port on the base of the caster. Port can be closed to pour gels from top.

Catalog Number: (470348-568)
Description: Bandit™ is a safe and low-cost STEM activity kit students can use to build and run a working electrophoresis system.

Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: For use with IBI VCV Vertical Electrophoresis System (14213-244).

Catalog Number: (89126-742)
Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: The MaGELin protein system is a versatile system designed to allow you to cast your own gels using the 10x10cm glass plates and easy-to-use casting fixture

Catalog Number: (27373-431)
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: System features an extended upper buffer chamber that provides even heat distribution.

Catalog Number: (470348-556)
Description: Electrophoresis for scientists with great taste™.

Catalog Number: (82031-080)
Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: This dual vertical gel system allows rapid analysis of protein and nucleic acid samples

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: For the Penguin* and Puffin* Vertical Electrophoresis Systems with gel size 10Lx10Wcm. Dimensions: 10Lx10Wcmx2.4mm thick.

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: For the Joey* Gel Casting System 27372-396. The polyethylene bag eliminates need for tape and bottom spacers.

Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: (Rpo For Ib94000)

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: For fast gel runs with flat, even banding

Supplier: Edvotek
Description: Sleek New Design

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