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You Searched For: Cloning Buffers

159  results were found

Siloxane Shortage – Alternative Tubing Solutions

Siloxane Shortage – Alternative Tubing Solutions As you may be aware there is currently a global shortage of siloxane that is forcing a limited supply and a rise in silicone prices globally. The latest information supports a potential multi-year o...


qPCR qPCR stands for Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and is a technique which monitors in real-time the enzymatic amplification of a targeted sequence of DNA. Analysis of the resultant amplification curves informs a researcher of ...

36083 LabSet-Up-Guide Chrom Checklists

LABORATORY CHECKLIST Chromatography ☐ AA Accessories ☐ Bio-Chromatography ☐ Buffers ☐ Bulk Media Alumina Ion-Exchange Irregular and Spherical Silica Normal Phase Reversed Phase ☐ CE and CE/MS Capillaries ☐ Flash Chromatography Columns Empty Glass ...

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production Avantor manufacturers and distributes biopharmaceutical products and excipients providing structured choice and risk mitigation – for biopharmaceutical development pilot scale and commercia...

Standard single-use products

Standard single-use products Through VWR part of Avantor choose from over 100 standard products that have been designed to solve many common bioprocess applications. All products featured below are available for prompt delivery. Not seeing what yo...

Standard single-use products

Standard single-use products Through VWR part of Avantor choose from over 100 standard products that have been designed to solve many common bioprocess applications. All products featured below are available for prompt delivery. Not seeing what yo...

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production Avantor manufacturers and distributes biopharmaceutical products and excipients providing structured choice and risk mitigation – for biopharmaceutical development pilot scale and commercia...

Cell Biology Products, Supplies, and Resources | VWR

Cell Biology Cells are the fundamental unit of life. When you are focused on cell biology Avantor is your source for the tools products and supplies you need to keep your lab functioning at its peak. You can be concerned with the biochemical and p...

~~azure biosystems imaging in gel~~

Detecting in-gel fluorescence enables the analysis of protein gels immediately after electrophoresis without staining or Western blotting. Separation of proteins by electrophoresis is a cornerstone of protein analysis. After separation identificat...

Microsoft Word - GeCKOv2.0 library amplification protocol.docx

Microsoft Word - GeCKOv2.0 library amplification protocol.docx   Page 1 of 3 rev20140502 Genome-scale CRISPR Knock-Out (GeCKO) v2.0 pooled libraries CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) is a microbial nuclease system ...

Battery R&D, QA/QC, and Testing

Battery R&D QA/QC and Testing Battery R&D QA/QC and Testing Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world A strong and vibrant research and development function is the lifeblood of all industries. So whether you're worki...

Remove the Burden of Protocol-Based Scientific Work

Remove the Burden of Protocol-Based Scientific Work Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Focus on Your Core Science A significant portion of the science that occurs in a R&D department is not purely towards...

Process chromatography resins and media

Process chromatography resins and media Avantor J.T.Baker® brand BAKERBOND® process chromatography products features a unique multi-mode chemistry designed to increase yield by improving the efficiency of your purification process and enhance sele...

~~VWR Custom Manufacturing Services Brochure 0820106~~

Manufacturing CUSTOM CHEMICALS AND SERVICES SUPPORTING SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES FOR HUMAN HEALTH VWR Custom Manufacturing Services2 VWR enables the advancement of science by providing high-quality chemicals and services customized to your product or ma...

~~PowerPoint Presentation~~

PowerPoint Presentation Comparative Proteomics Kit I: Protein Profiler Module Protein Profiler Kit Instructors Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller E...

Masterflex® Peristaltic Pumps in Vaccine Production

Masterflex® Peristaltic Pumps in Vaccine Production Fluidic solutions for your vaccine and therapeutics production Optimize your processes and reduce risk of contamination with our wide variety of fluidics products from Masterflex® Ismatec® and ot...
129 - 144 of 159