Battery R&D, QA/QC, and Testing
Battery R&D, QA/QC, and Testing
Avantor sets advanced battery science in motion to create a better world
A strong and vibrant research and development function is the lifeblood of all industries. So whether you're working in a university research lab, a fast-growing startup, or an R&D department in a battery manufacturer, Avantor will support you with high-quality products.
In the battery manufacturing process, incoming materials are subjected to an incoming materials tests. Moreover, a relevant quality control (QC) inspection is performed after each production step.
Battery testing typically covers 3 main areas: safety, performance (number of charge/discharge cycles, running time, temperature), and overall functionality (end-of-line or EOL testing during manufacturing process). There are also different testing systems depending on different factors:
- Size of the battery (from small portable batteries to batteries for EV to high-energy stationary storage systems)
- Stage of the manufacturing value chain (testing of cells vs modules vs packs)
- Type of test and testing methodology
Avantor will support you by offering equipment and instruments for chemical analysis but also high-purity chemicals and general lab consumables
Contact your local sales representative for more information or fill in our contact form

Analytical Chemistry
Avantor can help you with the products, equipment, and supplies you need.
Featured Products – Lab Chemicals

Avantor offers thousands of chemicals suitable for a multitude of analytical applications in R&D, QA/QC and Testing.

ACS Reagents for Sample Preparation
Sample preparation is as important as the analysis of your sample. Make sure you use the right reagents to avoid contamination of your sample.

Metal trace analysis
In metal analysis, elemental evidence is now gathered from the tiniest traces in the ppm, ppb and ppt ranges with sophisticated instrumentation like AAS, ICP-OES or, more recently, ICP-MS.

Titration and Karl Fischer determination
Titration and Water determination are really common in all R&D and QC Labs. To perform in these 2 methods, you need a large range of accurate products.

Ph buffers and Conductivity Standards
Wide range of Certified Reference Materials to guarantee a perfect calibration of your pH-meters and Conductimeters.

Lab essentials
Some products are essential in your daily work. Find our detergents, drying agents…
Featured Products – Equipment & Instruments

Test Chambers
Specially designed chambers to test the resiliency of battery construction, cycle/storage testing at various temperature setpoints from -40C to +110C

Glove Boxes
Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes provide a leak-tight environment to perform work with contamination-sensitive materials under vacuum or in an inert environment

Vacuum Centrifuge
Large-capacity vacuum concentrator with a modular design, ideal for drying large quantities of sample at one time – aqueous and organic solvents.

Bench Homogenizers
Avantor offers thousands of chemicals suitable for a multitude of analytical applications in R&D, QA/QC and Testing.