You Searched For: Electrophoresis Stains

Ready-to-use electrophoresis buffers, gels, and powder stains quickly sort sample molecules based on size and charge. These reagents generate less background fluorescence that can negatively impact visual studies. To achieve the necessary chemical reaction, select the type of stain based on environmental conditions and experiment goals. From commonly used Coomassie Brilliant Blue to the specific cancer researching Papanicolaou, sensitive electrophoresis stains detect and make cell components visible for further DNA and RNA analyses.

Ready-to-use electrophoresis buffers, gels, and powder stains quickly sort sample molecules based on size and charge. These reagents generate less background fluorescence that can negatively impact visual studies. To achieve the necessary chemical reaction, select the type of stain based on environmental conditions and experiment goals. From commonly used Coomassie Brilliant Blue to the specific cancer researching Papanicolaou, sensitive electrophoresis stains detect and make cell components visible for further DNA and RNA analyses.

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Catalog Number: (97065-002)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Blue BANDit™ is a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional Coomassie® Blue staining procedures.

Supplier: VWR International
Description: VWR® loading buffers, with three different dyes and migration fronts, make it easy to select the right loading buffer for your specific task.

Catalog Number: (10836-726)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Loading Dye Base, 50X is used for custom loading buffer preparation.

Catalog Number: (470024-814)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Solution used for tracking DNA during agarose electrophoresis; prepared with ultra-pure water and reagent-grade chemicals. 10X concentration.


Catalog Number: (10836-724)
Supplier: VWR
Description: VividPro Plus™ is a fluorescent protein stain that can be used in a fast co-electrophoretic protocol to visualize proteins in SDS PAGE gels.

Supplier: VWR
Description: Provides a safe, non-mutagenic alternative to ethidium bromide for instantaneous fluorescent DNA band visualization.
Supplier: VWR
Description: VividPro™ is a generic fluorescent stain for protein gel electrophoresis that can be used to visualize proteins.
Catalog Number: (97062-664)
Supplier: VWR
Description: VWR® electrophoresis gel loading dyes are tested for contaminating DNase, RNase, and protease activity and are sterile filtered for long shelf life and stability. In addition, all dyes are function tested and do not interfere with sample migration. Their ready-to-use format eliminates exposure to potentially irritating and harmful powdered dyes. Agarose Gel Loading Dye is designed to optimize loading nucleic acids in acrylamide and agarose gels by imparting color to the sample to ensure efficient sample distribution into each well. Its blend of three tracking dyes make estimating sample migration simple and reliable.

Catalog Number: (89230-108)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Supplied as a 200X concentrate, Gold-N-Gel™ RNA Stain is a non-mutagenic, fluorescent in-gel stain for immediate visualization of RNA bands on denaturing agarose gels.

Catalog Number: (10791-798)
Supplier: VWR
Description: EZ-Vision BlueLight is a sensitive, non mutagenic and environmentally safe fluorescent dye designed for gel staining.

Catalog Number: (CAPI46630)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Thermo Scientific Krypton Fluorescent Protein Stain enables sensitive visualization with fluorescence imagers (520nm excitation; 580nm emission) of proteins separated in polyacrylamide gels or transferred to membranes.

Catalog Number: (CA95040-134L)
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: CyDye™ Post-labelling reactive dye pack for the generation of highly fluorescent Cy3- and Cy5-labelled probes.

Catalog Number: (76423-666)
Supplier: Biotium
Description: 6X DNA loading buffer that includes ultra-sensitive, non-toxic GelRed® dye.

Environmentally Preferable

Catalog Number: (77461-660)
Description: Gelite™ Safe has been developed specifically to be less hazardous than <i>EtBr</i> for staining DNA in agarose and acrylamide gels with much higher sensitivity.

Supplier: G-Biosciences
Description: G-Biosciences' RAPIDstain™ is an ultra sensitive, ready-to-use protein stain based on Coomassie dye

Catalog Number: (CA12001-804)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: GelStar is a sensitive fluorescent stain for detecting both DNA and RNA.

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