NovaClean Family of Cleanroom Detergents

Non-ionic detergents remove particles and residues common in cleanrooms and critical laboratories. With low salts and metals, in the ppb range, these cleanroom detergents are ideal for Semiconductors, Electronics, Med Device and Pharmaceutical industries.

NovaClean™ Floor Cleaner
An all-purpose concentrated cleanroom detergent with a fine filtration and purity that is designed for high tech industries, well suited for med device and biotech industries. Free rinsinig and biodegradable.

NovaClean™ AFX Amine-Free Floor Cleaner
NovaClean™ AFX has the same fine filtration as original NovaClean concentrated cleanroom detergent with the added feature of an amine-free formulation, particularly suited in semi conductor applications. Free-rinsing and biodegradable

NovaClean Lab & Glass Cleanroom Detergent
A non-solvent based detergent formulated to be applied directly to cleanroom work surfaces including glass, stainless steel, epoxy, acrylic, and painted surfaces. Free-rinsing and biodegradable.

NovaHol™ Cleanroom Cleaner
NovaHol™ with the same pure formula as original NovaClean™ detergent, has added isopropyl alcohol for a faster dry time. NSF rated, category A1 (General Cleaners).

MegaClean™ Heavy-Duty Cleaner
A non-flammable, heavy duty cleaner and degreaser that offers an effective alternative to toxic, flammable, solvent-based cleaners, such as acetone and isopropyl alcoholl. Water soluble and biodegradable.