You Searched For: 6-Bromo-o-toluic acid

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Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Burets made of borosilicate glass 3.3 with splinter-proof sheathing.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Lowering Cables are designed for dipping bottles and immersion cylinders.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: DispoPicker is ideally suited for cross-section samples.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: All parts coming into contact with the sample medium are made of pure white PTFE

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: The aluminum bottle is particularly suited for storing, transporting, or sending substances and reference samples which have to be stored completely unaltered

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Due to the high chemical resistance of the medium-contacting parts made of PTFE and FEP, even liquids which attack conventional materials such as PP or PVC can now be safely transferred (except for elemental fluorine) with this barrel pump. The barrel pump is also suitable for transferring ultra-pure liquids. The stopcock prevents hazardous vapors from escaping, and stops dripping after transfer.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Stirring paddle made of polypropylene for gentle stirring in plastic and glass containers.
Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Sampler for ground water samples from wells, pits, and other sources

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: A control seal with an adhesive approved for use with foodstuffs. The strength of the adhesive is almost as powerful as that of the original. Just like the original, close-it® food has a barrier layer of aluminium foil. This means that close-it® food is suitable for sampling foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food additives, even frozen goods where cleanliness is particularly important.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Representative samples from all layers of the silo can be taken with the SiloDrill.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: For sampling bulk goods, cross-sectional samples can be taken from different sample depths. Suitable for use with a range of sample substrates from fine powder to coarse grain.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: These suction samplers are ideal for viscous substances such as pastes, mud, creams, oils.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Accessories for Suction Samplers, Mini ViscoSampler, Bürkle

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: This flexible PVC system has stable drainage pegs, available in three lengths (60, 100 and 150 mm) with Ø 6, 10 and 12 mm, that can be repositioned at any time. The draining racks can be adapted to any apparatus which is to be dried.

Catalog Number: (75846-224)
Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Dipping bottle for testing mineral oil products in Category A, Explosion Categories IIA, IIB, and IIC, crude oil, liquid mineral oil products, fuels, special and test fuels, fuel oils, petroleum, and liquid lubricants.

Supplier: BURKLE INC
Description: Dipping vessel for taking all-layer samples from tanks, tank cars, water courses, water purification plants.

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