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Supplier: Lonza
Description: Reliant™ Precast DNA Gels are ready-to-use DNase free agarose gels suitable for a variety of DNA applications such as the analysis of PCR, restriction digest fragments and most cloning needs
Catalog Number: (CA12001-802)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: These stains are fluorescent dyes used to detect DNA and RNA.

Supplier: Lonza
Description: SeaPlaque® is a low-melting, temperature agarose perfect for DNA/RNA recovery, In-Gel PCR/Ligation/Transformation, tissue culture and viral plaque assays.
Catalog Number: (CA12001-452)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: IsoGel® Precast agarose IEF plates provide rapid and reproducible isoelectric focusing of proteins up to 2000 kDa.

Catalog Number: (CA12001-412)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: AccuGENE™ Molecular Biology Buffers are ready-to-use solutions ideal for a wide range of molecular biology applications.

Supplier: Lonza
Description: SeaKem® is a high gel strength, low EEO, standard gelling temperature agarose perfect for electrophoresis and other molecular biology applications.
Supplier: Lonza
Description: During electrophoresis, these markers help monitor the efficiency of protein separation and allow accurate sizing of proteins in a sample. During Western blotting, they help confirm transfer has occurred from the gel to the membrane.
Supplier: Lonza
Description: NuSieve® is a high strength agarose perfect for analytical electrophoresis of small DNA/RNA fragments and In-gel PCR/Transformation/Ligation.
Supplier: Lonza
Description: AccuGENE™ Molecular Biology Buffers are ready-to-use solutions ideal for a wide range of molecular biology applications.
Catalog Number: (CA12002-116)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: For use with Latitude and Reliant Precast RNA Gels, 5x1mL.

Catalog Number: (CA12001-918)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: MetaPhor® is an intermediate melting temperature agarose that lets you resolve DNA fragments differing in size by 2%, in the range of 200 bp to 800 bp.

Supplier: Lonza
Description: AccuGENE™ Molecular Biology Water is ideal for a wide range of molecular biology applications. 18 megOhm water is filtered using a 0.2 micron filter, and filled into sterile bottles.
Supplier: Lonza
Description: Lonza offers a range of agarose types designed for specific, high performance protein applications. Safer and easier to work with than polyacrylamide, Agarose effectively separates high molecule weight proteins and protein complexes, and provides high recovery yields with simple procedures.
Catalog Number: (CA12001-736)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: Standard DNA ladders are ready-to-dilute prior to loading gel.

Catalog Number: (CA12001-748)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: RNA standards may be denatured with standard procedures, and can be visualized in Northern blots with labeled lambda sequence.

Catalog Number: (CA12001-450)
Supplier: Lonza
Description: Contains: masks, 125mm wicks, and blotting paper for 6 gels.

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