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Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Render complete deparaffinization and clearing during the staining process with Epredia™ Signature Series™ Clear-Rite 3™, a unique blend of isoparaffinic aliphatic hydrocarbons.


Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Epredia disposable Ultra microtome blades use a proprietary steel hardening technology (Pink Technology) to achieve better cutting performance and longevity.

Catalog Number: (CA89404-840)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Improve processing and visualization of small-volume specimens with these cytoslides, for use with Shandon™ EZ Single Cytofunnels™ on the Epredia Cytospin™ cytocentrifuge.

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Disposable blades have a 34° facet angle and feature a superior edge profile in which the shape of the blade edge is optimized to provide excellent sectioning performance, easier ribboning, and improved sharpness.

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Process specimens up to 48 hours past end point undamaged with this formic acid decalcifier.


Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Take advantage of an excellent classical blood film stain used on peripheral blood smears and bone marrow with Epredia™ Giemsa Stain.


Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Epredia™ Phosphate Buffers, ready-to-use dry powder for a variety of hematology staining techniques.


Catalog Number: (CA84000-132)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Control the color hues and intensities of your work with Epredia™ Papanicolaou Stain EAs, useful for both gynecological and non-gynecological staining.


Catalog Number: (CA72060-060)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Packaged in easy-to-pour high-density polyethylene containers, Epredia™ High-Quality Dehydrants are safer and lighter than glass bottles.

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Create an ideal visual contrast to Hematoxylin with the fast-acting Epredia™ Signature Series™ Eosin-Y counterstain. Offers excellent delineation of cytoplasmic components.
Catalog Number: (CA89212-366)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Instantly cool or freeze samples at the microtome or cryostat with the ozone-friendly Ice-It™ Freezing Spray.


Catalog Number: (CA84000-094)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Produce crisp nuclear staining with Epredia™ Modified Mayer's Hematoxylin, a progressive nuclear stain.


Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Process and stain histological and cytological specimens with these blends of denatured ethyl alcohol reagent.


Catalog Number: (CA48218-752)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Coat base molds for easy separation of paraffin from mold with Epredia™ Base mold release.


Catalog Number: (CA84000-062)
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Minimize compression and obtain rapid infiltration with Epredia™ Signature Series™ Paraffin, a unique blend of polymers and highly refined paraffin with narrow carbon chain distribution.


Supplier: Thermo Scientific
Description: Epredia™ Gill Hematoxylin 1, 2, and 3 are rapid progressive hematoxylins that are widely known and respected in the Histology and Cytology fields.


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