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Catalog Number: CA11006-340
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Description: Restige is a buffered alkaline rinse with a mild ph (8.0) that will ensure optimal staining and proper cellular contrast. A one minute incubation time is recommended with a short water rinse afterward. bluing reagent is premixed and ready to use.
Catalog Number: CA71002-496
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Description: Safranin, 2.5 Gallon Cube
Catalog Number: CA89130-196
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Description: Kit Consists Of One 8 Oz. Bottle Of Each Component: Stabilized Iodine, Crystal Violet, Decolorizer, And Safranin.
Catalog Number: CA89133-283
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Description: Crystal Violet, 250Ml, 4/Case
Catalog Number: CA89130-190
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Description: Acid Fast Bacteria (AFB) Stain Kit, Includes Carbol Fuchsin (125 mL), Acid Alcohol 1.5% (500 mL), Light Green Solution (125 mL), rapid 15-minute procedure, lipoid capsule of the acid-fast organism takes up carbol fuchsin and resists decolorization
Catalog Number: CA10842-586
Supplier: Azer Scientific


Description: Prestige is specially formulated to provide a bright and consistent cytoplasmic stain while allowing only a short staining time with three distinct color variations. This stain will provide optimized cellular contrast when used
with the Hematoxylin products.
Catalog Number: CA71002-482
Supplier: Azer Scientific


Description: Used in place of gill hematoxylin. it does not require daily filtering or form metallic sheens. this rapid stain will provide unsurpassed nuclear chromatin delineation with no affinity for background staining.
Catalog Number: CA71002-464
Supplier: Azer Scientific


Description: Ethanol, methanol, and isopropyl alcohol, 65%, quantity four one-gallon containers per case
Catalog Number: CA95041-466
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Catalog Number: CA11006-173
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Catalog Number: CA11006-171
Supplier: Azer Scientific

Catalog Number: CA10836-558
Supplier: Azer Scientific

65 - 76 of 76