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Catalog Number: (89139-066)
Supplier: Biotium
Description: Propidium iodide (PI) is a membrane-impermeant nucleic acid intercalator. The dye is commonly used to selectively stain dead cells in a cell population and also used as a counterstain in multicolor fluorescent imaging.

Supplier: Tonbo Biosciences
Description: Propidium Iodide (PI) is a membrane-impermeant DNA binding dye that cannot penetrate viable cells. PI rapidly enters cells with compromised membranes and intercalates between base pairs allowing exclusion of non-viable cells from analysis of flow cytometry data. PI has a broad emission spectrum from 535-617 nm and can be detected in either FL2 or FL3 detectors. When used with Annexin V FITC, it is recommended to analyze PI in FL2.

Catalog Number: (89411-112)
Supplier: Biotium
Description: Propidium Iodide is a membrane-impermeant nucleic acid intercalator. The dye is commonly used to selectively stain dead cells in a cell population and also used as a counterstain in multicolor fluorescent imaging.

Catalog Number: (89166-030)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: DNA dye

Catalog Number: (89139-064)
Supplier: Biotium
Description: Propidium iodide (PI) is a membrane-impermeant nucleic acid intercalator. The dye is commonly used to selectively stain dead cells in a cell population and also used as a counterstain in multicolor fluorescent imaging.

Catalog Number: (77461-644)
Description: Propidium iodide (PI) is a red-fluorescent dye widely used for staining and identifying dead cell populations in flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy.

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Description: PI Brite™ is a propidium iodide (PI) analog developed by AAT Bioquest to improve the brightness and fixability of propidium iodide in cells.

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Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Description: Membrane-impermeable DNA intercalator. Has red fluorescence at 488nm. Useful for flow cytometry for staining apoptotic cells and nuclei. Can be used to differentiate between apoptotic and necrotic cell death. Can be used together with common green fluorescent probes labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate.


Catalog Number: (10204-958)
Supplier: Orflo

Catalog Number: (76779-096)
Description: Differentiates live yeast with intact membranes will stain fluorescent green, and dead yeast with damaged membranes will stain fluorescent red.

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Catalog Number: (89156-020)
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Kit utilizes Live-dye™, a cell permeable green fluorescent dye (Ex(max): 488nm; Em(max): 518nm), to stain live cells. Dead cells can be easily stained by propidium iodide (PI), a red fluorescent dye (Ex(max): 488nm; Em(max): 615nm), which in viable cells is actively pumped out of the cytoplasm.

Catalog Number: (89139-068)
Supplier: Biotium
Description: PMA (propidium monoazide) dye is a DNA modifier invented by scientists at Biotium. It is a photo-reactive dye that binds to dsDNA with high affinity. Upon photolysis with visible light, PMA dye covalently attaches itself to dsDNA.

Catalog Number: (89139-058)
Supplier: Biotium
Description: PMA (propidium monoazide) is a high-affinity photoreactive DNA binding dye invented by scientists at Biotium for viability PCR of bacteria and other organisms. The dye is weakly fluorescent by itself but becomes more fluorescent after binding to nucleic acids.

Catalog Number: (BDH7458-1)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Made with potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide solution and deionized water.

Catalog Number: (BDH7356-1)
Supplier: VWR International
Description: Made with deionized water.

Supplier: BDH
Description: Meets reagent specifications for testing USP/NF monographs.
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