You Searched For: H-Cys(trt)-2-chlorotrityl+resin

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Catalog Number: (10749-418)
Supplier: Prosci
Description: TP1 Antibody: Telomerase is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that uses an RNA component to add telomeric repeat sequences at the ends of chromosomes. Besides the RNA component which serves as the template that specifies the telomeric repeat, the telomerase complex contains a reverse transcriptase protein (TRT) and various accessory proteins including the telomerase-associated protein 1 (TP1). Telomerase activity is low in most somatic cells, causing the gradual shortening of telomeres which can ultimately lead to telomere fusion and cell death. High levels of telomerase activity are widely seen in cancerous cells and while recent experiments have suggested that telomerase may be a viable target in cancer therapy, expression levels of TP1 do not correlate with malignancy. At least two isoforms of TP1 are known to exist.

Supplier: Bachem Americas
Description: SPPS employing the pure stereoisomer of Fmoc-Pam₂Cys-OH allows to obtain more homogeneous lipopeptides. The configuration of the bis-palmitoyloxypropyl moiety could influence the biological activity of the peptide conjugate.

Supplier: Bachem Americas
Description: Sequence: Dansyl-Gly-Cys-Val-Leu-Ser-OH
Synonym(s): Dansyl-GCVLS

Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Description: Methyltransferase inhibitor

Catalog Number: (89415-446)
Supplier: Prosci
Description: TP1 Antibody: Telomerase is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that uses an RNA component to add telomeric repeat sequences at the ends of chromosomes. Besides the RNA component which serves as the template that specifies the telomeric repeat, the telomerase complex contains a reverse transcriptase protein (TRT) and various accessory proteins including the telomerase-associated protein 1 (TP1). Telomerase activity is low in most somatic cells, causing the gradual shortening of telomeres which can ultimately lead to telomere fusion and cell death. High levels of telomerase activity are widely seen in cancerous cells and while recent experiments have suggested that telomerase may be a viable target in cancer therapy, expression levels of TP1 do not correlate with malignancy. At least two isoforms of TP1 are known to exist.

Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Description: Boc-Cys(Et)-OH
Catalog Number: (76576-274)
Description: Rabbit Cystatin C (Cys-C) ELISA Kit, AFG Bioscience

Catalog Number: (76214-509)
Supplier: CHI Scientific
Description: Lys-Tyr-Ile-Cys-Asn-Ser-Ser-Cys-Met

Catalog Number: (76714-004)
Description: Rat Cystatin D(Cys-D)ELISA Kit

Supplier: Bachem Americas
Description: Hepcidin-1 (mouse) H-Asp-Thr-Asn-Phe-Pro-Ile-Cys-Ile-Phe-Cys-Cys-Lys-Cys-Cys-Asn-Asn-Ser-Gln-Cys-Gly-Ile-Cys-Cys-Lys-Thr-OH

Supplier: Bachem Americas
Description: Sequence: H-D-Cys-OH · HCl · H₂O

Supplier: Bachem Americas
Description: Sequence: H-Cys(Bzl)-AMC

Catalog Number: (77528-348)
Description: Rat Cys-C (Cystatin C) ELISA Kit

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Catalog Number: (76579-056)
Description: Rat Cystatin C (Cys-C) ELISA Kit, AFG Bioscience

Supplier: Bachem Americas
Description: Sequence: Ac-Cys-OH
Synonym(s): NAC

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