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Supplier: Didax Eduacational Resources
Description: Package of 100, 300 or 500 interlocking cubes in 10 standard colors. An activities booklet is included.

Catalog Number: (470039-864)
Supplier: Didax Eduacational Resources
Description: Cautiously enter the jungle where a hungry tiger prowls. If you can complete a series of math tasks, you can escape the tiger’s grasp.

Catalog Number: (470150-462)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Less confusing than other test kits that require students to distinguish different bacterial colonies on a Petri dish, this test features a distinct color change that will tell with certainty if fecal coliforms are present.

Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Introduce Students to Stream and River Ecosystems

Catalog Number: (470021-304)
Supplier: Industrial Test Systems
Description: Safe, Accurate, and Cost-Effective Test for Arsenic in Water or Soil

Catalog Number: (470022-820)
Supplier: Walch Publishing
Description: Top Resource for Introductory Forensics Classroom

Catalog Number: (470021-308)
Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Enough materials for five groups working simultaneously.

Catalog Number: (470007-748)
Supplier: Kemtec
Description: Take an Ocean Voyage Without Leaving Your Classroom

Catalog Number: (470017-706)
Supplier: Lab-Aids
Description: Real Life Environmental Science Applications

Supplier: Industrial Test Systems
Description: Simply Dip in Water and Read the Results

Supplier: Industrial Test Systems
Description: The WaterWorks School Test Kit is a great introduction to water-quality testing.

Catalog Number: (470110-998)
Description: These collections provide background into the history of life on Earth.

Description: The Plate Tectonics Classroom Project displays minerals in their appropriate tectonic settings.

Catalog Number: (470203-078)
Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Pre-calibrated test tubes and labware give fast, accurate results in the classroom or in the lab. 

Catalog Number: (470106-166)
Supplier: Industrial Test Systems
Description: Bacteria Make Up Much of the Composition of the Soil

Supplier: LaMotte
Description: Pre-calibrated test tubes and labware give fast, accurate results in the classroom or in the lab. 

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