The kit is designed to directly monitor real time Nitric Oxide production in live cells by fluorescence microscopy using Nitric oxide Detection Reagent (red fluorescent) as the major component.
The non-fluorescent, cell-permeable NO detection dye reacts with Nitric Oxide in the presence of O2 with high specificity, sensitivity and accuracy, yielding a water-insoluble red fluorescent product
The kit is not designed to detect reactive chlorine or bromine species, as the fluorescent probes included are relatively insensitive to these analytes. Upon staining, the fluorescent products generated by this dye can be visualized using a wide-field fluorescence microscope equipped with any red fluorescent cube. The combination of 650/670 nm is recommended when additional fluorescence signals (green or orange) would be detected simultaneously.
Importantly, this dye is not reactive towards peroxynitrite that allows distinguishing between peroxynitrite and nitric oxide.
Delivery information: Nitric Oxide Detection Reagent (Red), 60 µL, Nitric Oxide Inducer (L-Arginine), 100 µL, Nitric Oxide Scavenger (c-PTIO), 400 nmoles and 10X Wash Buffer, 15 mL.