GFP-CERTIFIED® Apoptosis/Necrosis Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
ENZ-51002-100 ENZ-51002-25
89165-866EA 753 CAD
89165-866 89165-868
GFP-CERTIFIED® Apoptosis/Necrosis Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences
Assays Cellular Assays
Multiplex assay that distinguishes between healthy, early apoptotic, late apoptotic and necrotic cells, compatible with GFP and other green fluorescent probes.

The transition from apoptosis to necrosis is a loosely defined continuum that necessitates recognition of the various stages of the process

The spectral overlap between the emission profiles of these two fluorophores makes differentiation between signals difficult or impossible, thus compromising data quality overall. While useful for analysis of apoptosis and necrosis in cells that do not express any fluorescent proteins, the GFP-Certified™ Apoptosis/Necrosis Detection System was specifically designed for use with GFP-expressing cell lines and cells expressing blue or cyan fluorescent proteins (BFPs, CFPs).

Additionally, the kit is suitable for use with live or post-fixed cells in conjunction with probes, such as labeled antibodies, or other fluorescent conjugates displaying similar spectral properties as fluorescein or coumarin. This kit includes all the necessary reagents for determination of early and late stages of apoptosis as well as necrosis. An Annexin V-EnzoGold (enhanced Cyanine-3) conjugate enables detection of apoptosis distinct from fluorescein or GFP.

The Necrosis Detection Reagent (Red) similar to the red-emitting dye 7-AAD, facilitates late apoptosis and necrosis detection. This kit also includes an Apoptosis Inducer (Staurosporine) for use as a positive control. Detection reagents can be used separately or in combination for either single or multiplexed applications respectively. This kit also provides quick and accurate results via flow cytometry and fluorescence/confocal microscopy.

Delivery information: Apoptosis Detection Reagent (Annexin V-EnzoGold): 550 µL, Necrosis Detection Reagent (Red): 600 µL, Apoptosis Inducer (Staurosporine): 50 nmoles and Binding Buffer (10X): 6 mL.
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