The Single-Round RNA Amplification and Biotin Labeling System provides an optimized protocol and reagents for the production of biotin-labeled antisense RNA (aRNA) from total cellular RNA samples in less than 24 hours for array analysis.
This kit has been improved to yield sufficient aRNA quantity for most microarray platforms (10 µg minimum) with total RNA input of as low as 250 ng and as high as 5000 ng.
The Single-Round RNA Amplification and Biotin Labeling System has been optimized for superior performance with reduced variability and improved reproducibility and data quality. The complete system is composed of reagents for cDNA synthesis and purification and in vitro transcription labeling.
The higher yield results from an improved cDNA purification system, now provided with the kit.
Ordering information: Control RNA (100 µg/mL) is available separately.
Delivery information: Kit contains Box A: 40 µL dNTP Mix (dN), Promoter Primer (P), 20 µL First Strand Buffer (FB), 80 µL DTT (D), 10 µL Reverse Transcriptase (RT), 10 µL RNase Inhibitor (I), 50 µL DNA Polymerase (DP), 10 µL RNase H (RH), 150 µL Second Strand Buffer (SB), 60 µL IVT Reaction Buffer (RB), 60 µL 10X Biotin-Labeled Ribonucleotides (B), 60 µL Enhancer Cocktail (EC), 60 µL Enhancer Cocktail (EC), 30 µL T7 RNA Polymerase (T7) and 2.5 mL Nuclease-free Water (W).
Box B: 4.5 mL cDNA Binding Buffer (BB), 1.2L 5X Wash Solution (WS), 10 cDNA Purification Columns, 10 cDNA Elution Tubes and 10 Collection Tubes.