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You Searched For: Tungsten+(VI)+chloride

107  results were found


PHARMED Tubing Advantages: Great for tissue and cell work—nontoxic and nonhemolytic. Long service life minimizes risk of fluid exposure; reduces tubing costs and pump downtime. Opaque to UV and visible light to protect light-sensitive fluids. Heat...

Why Switch to Phthalate-Free Tubing?

Why Switch to Phthalate-Free Tubing? Traditionally used in plastics manufacturing phthalates increase flexibility transparency durability and longevity in products. One of the most common di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is an organic chemical de...

BS Element of Month Oxygen IA

1 All About Elements: Oxygen | 800-387-9393 2 3 Fun Facts About… Oxygen 1. Oxygen constitutes 21% of our atmosphere nearly half the mass of the earth’s crust and about two thirds of the human body. It is the third most...

Case Study: When a Diagnosis is Crucial—Hustling to Keep the Line Running

Case Study: When a Diagnosis is Crucial—Hustling to Keep the Line Running More than 1.6 million cases of cancer are estimated to be diagnosed in 2015.1 For those receiving this news an accurate diagnosis—leading to timely treatment—is critical. ar...

Vulcanization of Siloxanes

Vulcanization of Siloxanes For additional flexibility when selecting silicone tubing we now offer two types of silicone tubing platimum and peroxide vulcanized (cured). Both silicone types are USP Class VI approved and FDA compliant and they have ...

Cellular Analysis | VWR

Cellular Analysis Cellular Analysis refers to a broad range of technologies that are used to investigate the basic cell biology as it relates to cell health proliferation function and death. Application Notes Literature Publications Webinars Featu...

~~PowerPoint Presentation~~

PowerPoint Presentation pGLO™ Transformation and Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Instructor Edward Teller Education Cente...

Regulatory Agencies and Approvals

Regulatory Agencies and Approvals ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange method of encoding characters into 7 or 8 binary bits (typically 7 bits plus an 8th bit for parity). ANSI: The American National Standards Institute is a p...

~~EOM Beryllium~~

1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium this element was known as glucinium which originated from the Greek word glyky...

Cellular Analysis | VWR

Cellular Analysis Cellular Analysis refers to a broad range of technologies that are used to investigate the basic cell biology as it relates to cell health proliferation function and death. Application Notes Literature Publications Webinars Featu...

Masterflex® Food and Beverage Pump & Tubing Solutions

Masterflex® Food and Beverage Pump & Tubing Solutions Proper pump and tubing acquisition choice is necessary for sanitary food production. Masterflex’s pumps and tubing are capable of handling a wide variety of fluids from hot water and vitamin mi...

Masterflex Silicone Tubing

Masterflex Silicone Tubing Our silicone tubing comes in two formulations: peroxide- and platinum-cured. Both formulations share many characteristics such as FDA compliance and USP Class VI approvals temperature ratings and chemical compatibility. ...

~~1462 Element of Month Beryllium~~

1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium this element was known as glucinium which originated from the Greek word glyky...

1462 Element of Month Beryllium BS

1 All About Elements: Beryllium | 800-387-9393 2 3 Fun Facts About… Beryllium 1. Prior to being named beryllium this element was known as glucinium which originated from the Greek word glykys meaning sweet. It was ...

Masterflex Silicone Tubing

Masterflex Silicone Tubing Our silicone tubing comes in two formulations: peroxide- and platinum-cured. Both formulations share many characteristics such as FDA compliance and USP Class VI approvals temperature ratings and chemical compatibility. ...

~~EOM Oxygen IA~~

1 All About Elements: Oxygen | 800-962-2660 2 3 Fun Facts About… Oxygen 1. Oxygen constitutes 21% of our atmosphere nearly half the mass of the earth’s crust and about two thirds of the huma...
65 - 80 of 107