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You Searched For: New+fuchsine

454  results were found

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production Avantor manufacturers and distributes biopharmaceutical products and excipients providing structured choice and risk mitigation – for biopharmaceutical development pilot scale and commercia...

Take Stock of Everything Chemistry

Take Stock of Everything Chemistry Our vast selection of chemistry products ensures you have everything from the basic essentials to advanced supplies to stock your lab! Laboratory-quality chemicals for every grade level are available when you nee...

Microbiology/Tissue Culture/Genomics

Microbiology/Tissue Culture/Genomics Whether you are monitoring for disease in your cultivation space or testing your product to ensure it is safe to consume or developing a new strain we have a wide range of equipment culture media genomics based...

Site Map

Site Map Products Search for Products AP Science Biology Chemistry and Chemicals Custom Kits Elementary Environmental Science Forensic Science Geology/Earth Science Lab Equipment and Supplies Microscopes and Optics Physics Technology Teacher Resou...


Clearance Stretch Your Science Budget Shop Deep Discounts on Thousands of Clearance Items Take advantage of the lowest pricing on thousands of activities supplies and equipment for every science subject and grade level. Stock up on your favorite i...

Creating and Using My Profile

Creating and Using My Profile You will need to create and log into a profile in order to purchase products on the site If you don't have a profile on just follow a few simple steps to create one. Once your profile is created you ca...

Using the Shopping Basket

Using the Shopping Basket Once you have added your products to your Shopping Basket and you are ready to check out select the basket icon at the top of the page. Note that wherever you are on the site at the top of the page provides a snap...

Using the Shopping Basket

Using the Shopping Basket Once you have added your products to your Shopping Basket and you are ready to check out select the basket icon at the top of the page. Note that wherever you are on the site at the top of the page provides a snap...

Moving forward. Together.

Moving forward. Together. So much has changed during this unprecedented time except your ability to count on Avantor. We continue to set science in motion to create a better world by providing you with the right solutions to keep moving forward. C...

Sampling Solutions

Sampling Solutions Exact Volume Sampling Solutions New aseptic & accurate sampling solutions from Avantor designed for your high-value critical samples are flexible and scalable while reducing contamination risk. What fluid handling solution can w...

Download your Lab Set-Up Guide

Download your Lab Set-Up Guide Our Lab Set-up Guide tells you everything you need to know about how to set up a laboratory. It’s part of our Lab Set-up Program that offers you an intuitive comprehensive guide through the entire lab set-up process ...

OEM – Contract Manufacturer Case Study

OEM – Contract Manufacturer Case Study Need To increase competitve advantage of a company's laboratory chemicals portfolio VWR explored sourcing Solutions and ACS grade Salts from alternative contract manufacturers. The company's chemical portfoli...

Latest Curriculum Framework: Four Big Ideas & Seven Science Practices

Latest Curriculum Framework: Four Big Ideas & Seven Science Practices New coursework lab investigations and exam will be centered on “Big Ideas” covering key concepts and content and “Science Practices” that build student inquiry skills.Four Big I...

Physics Resources

Physics Resources Helpful resources for your physics classroom. Physics Resources Looking for support for your physics lab or want to learn more about our physics equipment and activities? Find helpful resources product information videos and more...

Ward's Geology/Earth Science

Ward's Geology/Earth Science Specimens Collections Kits and Resources for Grade K-12 Teaching earth science or environmental science in your core curriculum? We’ve got everything you need from high quality geology specimens to time-saving kits and...

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production

Chemicals and excipients for biopharmaceutical production Avantor manufacturers and distributes biopharmaceutical products and excipients providing structured choice and risk mitigation – for biopharmaceutical development pilot scale and commercia...
1 - 16 of 454