You Searched For: Mineral Collections

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Catalog Number: (470357-430)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: <p>Brazil.</p>

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Catalog Number: (470024-864)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Specially selected thin sections of important rock forming minerals. Set may contain more than one example of the same mineral to depict variations in occurrence and distinct mineral associations.<BR><BR>Slides (12): actinolite, anthophyllite, cummingtonite, ferrohornblende, fluoredenite, glaucophane, grunerite, hexagonite, kaersutite, magnesiohornblende, riebeckite, tremolite.

Catalog Number: (470315-612)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: A fascinating and colorful classroom study set.

Catalog Number: (470024-860)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Great value for the microscopic study of Pyroxene minerals

Supplier: Avantor
Description: Iron oxide-hydroxide mineral; reddish brown to black color; crystal habit ranges from massive to acicular.

Catalog Number: (470025-360)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Give Your Students a Lesson in Economics as Well as Geology

Catalog Number: (470025-344)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Geometric Shapes and Structures of Crystalline Minerals.

Catalog Number: (470315-518)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Explore the differences of how light interacts with the surface of a mineral.

Catalog Number: (470335-428)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Specimens illustrate important stages of mineral formation.

Catalog Number: (470024-858)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Great value for the microscopic study of Feldspar minerals.

Catalog Number: (470025-246)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Five Types of Cohesiveness

Catalog Number: (CA470313-110)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Our most popular collection.

Supplier: Avantor
Description: Metamorphosed rock showing foliation and rich in hornblende.

Catalog Number: (470025-258)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Beginner’s Collection Illustrates Important Physical Properties

Catalog Number: (470015-804)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: A fascinating and colorful classroom mineral study set.

Catalog Number: (470024-862)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Specially selected thin sections of important rock forming minerals. Set may contain more than one example of the same mineral to depict variations in occurrence and distinct mineral associations.<BR><BR>Slides (12); annite, biotite, clinochlore, fuschite, glauconite, lepidolite, margarite, muscovite, paragonite, phlogopite, sericite, zinnwaldite.

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