Environmentally Preferable Products

Our Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) program is designed to provide greater transparency into product sustainability attributes. This allows you to make more informed and sustainable purchasing decisions. Suppliers that meet one or more of the following environmental attributes can receive the EPP green leaf designation:

  • Products that are energy and/or water efficient
  • Products and/or packaging that are recyclable or reduce waste
  • Products and/or packaging that contain recycled/renewable content
  • Products that are manufactured with low CO2 impact
  • Products and/or packaging that are safer to human and environmental health

VWR Carries ACT Label Products

We believe it is important to support you in better understanding the impact of the products you are purchasing. That is why we highlight the ACT label products and suppliers that we carry. Each ACT label product has information about the environmental impact as it relates to manufacturing, user impact, and end-of-life.

Utilizing our Environmentally Preferable Products program and the ACT label, you have the ability to select more sustainable product solutions.

About the ACT Label

ACT label

By emphasizing accountability, consistency, and transparency (ACT) around manufacturing, energy and water use, packaging, and end-of-life, the ACT label makes it easy to choose safe, sustainable products. Led by the non-profit organization My Green Lab, the label is designed to provide information necessary to make smart, sustainable choices about the product you purchase.

For more information please contact sustainability@vwr.com.