Protective Apparel

Wherever the possibility of contamination is present, protective apparel should be worn.
VWR can help you safeguard people and the delicate products with which they work.
We offer a complete head-to-toe collection of apparel that is engineered to provide protection, comfort, and durability in cleanrooms, manufacturing facilities, research and clinical labs, and other specialized environments.
Below, find aprons, sleeves, beard covers, bouffant caps, coveralls, lab coats, masks, and more.
Product Selection

This wide selection of aprons offers protection against the specific risks present in your lab...

Beard Covers
Available in latex or latex-free material...

Bouffant Caps
Available in latex or latex-free material...

When full-body protection is needed, select from our versatile line of coveralls...

Lab Coats
These popular garments provide essential protection in just about every type of lab...

Increase safety when bacteria and particulates present risks...

Provide complete arm protection during demanding applications...