Captair Flow Clean Air Encosures for an ultra-clean, ISO 5 Environment

Erlab’s Captair Flow Clean Air Enclosures are designed to prevent cross-contamination for applications such as non-pathogenic cell cultures, in-vitro cultures, microbiology, homeopathic preparations, electronics, and optics where product protection is required. They feature a high efficiency filtration system that provides a ultra clean ISO 5 workstation, sweeping HEPA filtered clean air down to the work surface.
- High efficiency UV lights are used to decontaminate the worktop from biological cross-contamination between operations
- Each unit has Smart Technology™ - an exclusive set of tools that consists of Smart-Light Communication™, chemical sensors (*optional if adding carbon filters), real-time status, and the eGuard app
- Smart Technology gives an easily identifiable method of communication regarding the sash being opened while the UV light is on, air face velocity is compromised: check sash, pre-filter, or HEPA/ULPA, and fan status via a soft, LED band of light called Smart-Light

Captair Flow - Laminar flow clean air enclosure
Providing an ultra-clean, ISO 5 environment for optimized interior cleanliness with H14 HEPA filters.

Download Erlab's Captair Flow Brochure
Captair Flow clean-air enclosures for optimum protection against external particulate contamination, designed to provide a Class 5 work environment.