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Catalog Number: (75846-314)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Tryptic Soy Broth is recommended for use as a general purpose medium for the isolation and cultivation of a wide variety of bacteria and fungi. The U.S. Pharmacopeia National Formulary (USP) describes its use for media fill testing.

Catalog Number: (76436-440)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Hexagonal loop shaft improves grip, while the ultra smooth loop surfaces allow for easy streaking.

Catalog Number: (75832-482)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Transport swabs with Amies liquid are designed for general microbiology and plate count applications.

SDS Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (76447-102)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Transporter swab with amies gel, and without charcoal, features a dual plastic shaft, rayon swab tip, and blue cap.

Catalog Number: (75846-318)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: For the presumptive identification of<i> Escherichia coli</i>.

Catalog Number: (75779-644)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: GramPRO 1™ Gram stain control slides are prepared from standard stock ATCC quality control organisms

Catalog Number: (75813-960)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Recommended as a test of Escherichia coli and coliforms by fermentation with gas production and fluorogenic means

Catalog Number: (75814-008)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Standard Methods Agar is used for the cultivation and enumeration of microorganisms in dairy products, food, and water.

Catalog Number: (75814-030)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: GN Broth is used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella and Shigella spp

Catalog Number: (75814-678)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Regan-Lowe Semi Solid Agar Deep is used for the selective isolation of Bordetella pertussis.

Catalog Number: (75814-672)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Potato Flake Selective Agar is used for the selective isolation of pathogenic fungi.

Catalog Number: (75832-514)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: BBL™ Sensi-Discs™ are impregnated paper disks used for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST); also known as disk diffusion or Kirby-Bauer testing.

Product available on GSA Advantage®

Catalog Number: (89501-570)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Lysine Iron Agar are used for the identification of gram negative enteric pathogens.

Catalog Number: (76411-520)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: MacConkey Agar for the culture and isolation of gram-negative bacteria, controls swarming of <i>Proteus</i>.

Catalog Number: (76436-470)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract (BCYE) Agar formulations are recommended for use in the cultivation and primary isolation of <i>Legionella spp.</i> in water and other samples suspected of harboring the bacteria.

Catalog Number: (75813-998)
Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics
Description: EnviroTrans™ Swab Rinse Kit, Barney Miller Broth is recommended for environmental monitoring.

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