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Catalog Number: (470119-062)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: This model shows both side ventricles of the brain, the third and fourth ventricle and the <i>Aquaeductus cerebri </i>(Sylvius).

Catalog Number: (470004-536)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Shows Relationship With Duodenum And Pancreas

Catalog Number: (470004-528)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: This 2-times life-size heart model allows a very easy identification of all anatomical structures in the human heart and is a perfect aid for lessons in big classrooms or lecture halls.

Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: The anatomy of a human fetal skull can be studied easily with this realistic fetal skull replica. The fetal skull model is a natural cast of a fetal head in the 30th week of pregnancy showing the characteristics of prenatal development.

Catalog Number: (470120-372)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: A Histologic view of the eye.

Catalog Number: (470004-526)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Students view the outer, middle, and inner ear with one model.

Catalog Number: (470029-628)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Half-Life-Size Figure Shows Entire System

Catalog Number: (470029-518)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Compare types of skin from two different areas of body with this model.

Catalog Number: (470029-528)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: This relief model of the human circulatory system details anatomical structures.

Catalog Number: (470163-762)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: Photographic diffraction objects in a slide frame.

Catalog Number: (470002-720)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: This skeleton is perfect for introducing individual bones of human form to students.

Catalog Number: (470119-012)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: This is the detailed View Of Muscles And Tendons.

Catalog Number: (470004-532)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: The size makes this model of a left leg easier to handle and study.

Catalog Number: (470101-680)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: The Giant Eye replica is a great tool to teach-learn the anatomy of the eye!

Catalog Number: (470029-608)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: This model features muscle tissue magnified by 10,000x.

Catalog Number: (470119-014)
Supplier: American 3B Scientific
Description: This life-size muscular leg model can be disassembled into upper and lower leg.

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